Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [noun] for [art] future " in BNC.

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1 Arriving after a gruelling 13 hour flight , appeared bright and full of energy , almost immediately giving a press conference where she expressed her fears for the future of peace and democracy in her country .
2 But he also expressed his concern for the future of Scottish athletics : ‘ It 's pathetic really — there 's no second tier of world class athletes after Tom , Yvonne , Liz ( McColgan ) and Tom Hanlon .
3 He reviewed the changes made during his period as Soviet leader saying that " a totalitarian system which deprived the country of an opportunity to become wealthy and prosperous a long time ago has been liquidated " , and he expressed his hopes for the future : " Some mistakes could probably have been avoided , much been done better , but I am sure that sooner or later our shared efforts will achieve results . "
4 The Webbs , in particular , placed their faith for the future in the efficient re-engineering of society by ‘ unassuming experts ’ .
5 They knew their weapon for the future .
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