Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [adv] [prep] the back " in BNC.

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1 Sticking with clothing , those hapless popsters OCEAN COLOUR SCENE are grieving over the loss of more than £2,000 worth of T-shirts which managed to fall out of the back of their van while they drove through the Moseley area of Birmingham last week .
2 ADO Thorpe said : ‘ It was an open lorry and he got thrown about in the back .
3 These cottage front doors were never used — some even had rows of flowerpots across the sill as a deterrent — and Anna had to go round to the back to find a resting place for the magazine .
4 Thus all rations for the men at the front had to come up on the backs of other men .
5 I flung the sporting pistol I had looted on to the back seat , relieved to think I would never have to defend myself with it .
6 When a younger and less sophisticated Hank had come quietly through the back gate in search of the garage , the couple had been busy planting a lilac tree .
7 But Cher had slipped away to the back of the restaurant .
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