Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [prep] the latter [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I noticed that when particularly struck by a drawing , his features would assume the same look of wide-eyed amazement that they had done in the latter rôle when Bottom wakes from his dream and begins the speech , ‘ I have had a most rare vision … ’
2 I noticed that when particularly struck by a drawing , his features would assume the same look of wide-eyed amazement that they had done in the latter rôle when Bottom wakes from his dream and begins the speech , ‘ I have had a most rare vision … ’ .
3 For advanced economies , substantial changes had occurred over the latter half of the 1960s because of loss of comparative advantage in what had become basic technologies which could be mastered by low-income countries , together with changes in the nature of world demand and direct and indirect forms of trade barriers erected to protect domestic industry .
4 Moreover , given the striking similarity between the seasons , octagonal arrangement from Chedworth and mosaic H from Woodchester ( Smith 1969 , 101 ) , it seems almost certain that the seasons mosaic was the product of craftsman who had worked at the latter site .
5 Both sums were repaid , but by 1631 a further ‘ surplusage ’ of £12,000 had arisen on the latter account .
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