Example sentences of "[coord] waiting for the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Sitting on an empty place and waiting for the price to rocket , more like . ’
2 Hundreds of people are standing around , gazing up at the indicator and waiting for the platform of their train to be flashed up .
3 And the reverse of that , wrote Harsnet , the feeling that all we have already felt and seen and heard has yet to happen , is so far only a dream , a fantasy , and the sense , he wrote , that this may be a feeling we experience again and again throughout our lives , that the elements of experience have failed to catch on to the glass of our lives , or that the glass is there and waiting for the experience to be registered , that it can wait for ever , for it does not know the meaning of time .
4 But she was still meditating for hours and waiting for the voice of the flat to inform her of its favoured colour scheme .
5 Chesarynth leant back against the wall , holding her throbbing hand and waiting for the knives in her head to dissolve .
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