Example sentences of "[coord] provides a [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This wide open moorland with spacious views all around stands in stark contrast to the terrain on the rest of the circuit and provides a gentle descent to an especially idyllic lakeland valley .
2 The 3,500 member club still attracts full houses in it 's concert room six nights a week and provides a wide variety of entertainment including dancing and discos , country and western and top bands .
3 The technique significantly enhances both the quality and quantity of information to be derived from thin sections and rock surfaces , and provides a powerful tool for the construction of extremely detailed diagenetic event stratigraphies .
4 Using this very image , Locke dwells on the thought at greater length , and provides a sharp contrast to the opinion of our own day , that unlimited scientific research is a valuable end in itself which needs no justification .
5 The lake is frozen and provides a pleasant path to the back of the cwm .
6 Happily , The Billboard Book Of Number One Hits , compiled by Fred Bronson , hardly suffers from this affliction and provides a complete summary on every single to top the US listings from 1955 through till April this year .
7 Iditis is the most comprehensive and accurate resource of protein structure information available and provides a complete set of powerful data retrieval and analysis tools .
8 The range of options offered at Napier contributes to the breadth of course curriculum and provides a necessary flexibility in choice of subjects studied .
9 This is quite difficult to do and provides a great deal of fun .
10 In conclusion , this book has brought together for the first time the work of all the main researchers and provides a motivating set of reviews for any interested scientist .
11 The pastry topping for this dish is similar to a scone mixture and provides a nice contrast to the base .
12 However , the typology was intended to have a more general relevance and provides a useful starting-point for this discussion .
13 The cafe situated at the watersports building is opened for all the summer months and provides a comprehensive menu of both hot and cold foods .
14 It certainly demonstrates the power of conjugation and provides a definite guide for further puzzles of this type .
15 It would be in addition to the objective classification and provides a broad analysis of expenditure which can be useful in making broad judgements , for example , about the percentage of total costs paid as salaries and wages .
16 The figure of the child surrounded by the warmth and comfort of the lap of the ‘ big woman ’ is a memory of things past and provides a rich contrast to the earliest works in the exhibition .
17 ‘ Anna Karenina ’ has other plots which introduce the story of Anna , her husband and lover and provides a rich contrast to the events involving these three parties .
18 In animals , the formation of sheets of cells which fold in various ways , and which in consequence come into contact with each other at specific points , is a common feature of development , and provides a partial answer to Weismann 's question .
19 The operating profit of £23 million reflects the underlying trend of a sound business and provides a good base on which to build , he says .
20 Probably the most effective and most common scoring technique in karate is the gyaku-zuki , or reverse punch , which the beginner learns in the second week of his basic training , and provides a good illustration of the need constantly to return to practising the basics .
21 However , the sequence of somite formation and what they will form seems to be programmed early in development long before the somites themselves appear and provides a good example of how , once the programme is specified , the cells follow it even when they are placed in abnormal relationships .
22 The national curriculum puts considerable power in the hands of the Secretary of State and provides a good example of centralisation .
23 To develop adequate and growing capability requires investment in human skills and provides a new kind of barrier to the entry of more newcomers into the international system .
24 Schedule 7 , para 3 to the 1993 Finance Act inserts ss164A to 164N into TCGA 1992 and provides a new form of roll-over relief where an individual makes a " material disposal " of shares in an unquoted company and , within " the qualifying period " , makes a " qualifying investment " .
25 Streams is an independent implementation of the System V Streams product , and provides a common system for communications protocols .
26 The present collection examines processes of education , and provides a diverse range of methods and topics with an introductory essay covering some wider issues .
27 AEA has substantial experience in transient simulation applied to pipeline design and provides a high level of support and advice to new users of the program .
28 Each author has been allowed the freedom to write in his own style and provides a large set of references promoting further study .
29 Year I develops a thorough understanding of programming principles , and provides a sound basis on which to build further programming experience .
30 This section outlines the theoretical background to the topic in question , and provides a conceptual framework for the tasks in the following two sections .
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