Example sentences of "[coord] showed [pron] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One of them , small and dusty and obscure in its corner , took the sunlight as he drew it towards him , and showed him the vigorous sketch of a face he knew well , a face he had seen long ago in the triforium , when he had crouched against the wall in the last embrasure of the walk , listening to the approaching footsteps of his enemy .
2 Frustrated but secretly delighted that I had maybe caught him out with shoddy workmanship until an old fellow from Bernera stopped to give me a lift on the way past Carlaway and showed me the right ones , just before the main stones of Callanish .
3 ‘ After the match , the chairman came in and showed me the other results and the league placings .
4 A Corporal had given me a coathanger and a broom and showed me the Foreign Legion 's way of unblocking a difficult lavatory bowl ; it involved unbending the coathanger , jamming it down the U-bend , and working it vigorously backwards and forwards .
5 And showed you the right path to take ,
6 Mr Rochester lifted the curtain , opened the secret door and showed us the little room .
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