Example sentences of "[coord] called for the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Chairman of the Sports Council , Peter Yarranton , concurred and called for the expansion of pay and play facilities to at least 30% of all future developments to allow ‘ sport for all ’ .
2 As Layton left the Old Bailey on a bicycle , NCP 's board welcomed his acquittal and called for the law to be clarified .
3 On March 20 the opposition National Convention for the Restoration of Democracy [ see p. 37922 ] criticized the government for failing to uphold the pledges of its own programme and called for the formation of a government enjoying the nation 's confidence , which would institute real political change .
4 On May 7 the CTU announced that it had suspended the general strike from May 8 , and called for the formation of a new government capable of tackling " national and economic issues " .
5 The United States accepted for the first time the phrase ‘ legitimate rights of the Palestinian people ’ and called for the participation of the ‘ Palestinian people ’ , a major concession to the Soviet Union , in return for Soviet retraction of its previous insistence on the participation of the PLO , the establishment of an independent Palestinian state , and the total withdrawal of Israeli forces to the 1949 Armistice Line .
6 The protest focused on high rents and called for the resignation of township councillors .
7 However , a joint Hungarian-Romanian demonstration in the nearby city of Cluj on March 18 had demanded an end to inter-ethnic hostility and called for the resignation of Iliescu and for the dismissal of all members of Ceausescu 's Securitate secret police .
8 The FNM attacked the size and cost of the new Cabinet and called for the resignation of Maynard and of Philip Bethel , who had been criticized for his stewardship of the Transport Ministry and the troubles of the state airline Bahamasair .
9 The National Union of Public Employees said the way in which the board had acted was disgraceful and called for the resignation of all the members .
10 In a message published in the Basque-language newspaper Egin on March 12 ETA noted that its bombs were directed against " military targets " and called for the resumption of negotiations with the government on a truce .
11 The NCC urged the government to review school meals and called for the supermarkets to be closely monitored to ensure consumers were not being exploited .
12 It also condemned the system of accommodating workers in single-sex hostels and called for the provision of more housing .
13 The African National Congress ( ANC ) , in a joint statement with the South African Communist Party ( SACP ) and the Congress of South African Trade Unions ( COSATU ) , said that the referendum announcement reflected the " crisis of the apartheid establishment " , and called for the defence of the negotiation process .
14 The communiqué also committed Alliance members to the " early ratification " of the Conventional Forces in Europe ( CFE ) Treaty [ see pp. 37838-39 ; 38027 ; 38122 ; 38217 ] and called for the revival of the " Open Skies " negotiations on aerial reconnaissance [ see pp. 37201 ; 35267 ; 37393 ; 37466 ; 37838 ] .
15 They urged Prime Minister Miklós Németh to reveal who had been privy to the intelligence information , and called for the dismissal of Interior Minister István Horváth ; they stopped short of calling for the government 's resignation , however , saying that the country needed stability before the elections .
16 In the sphere of foreign policy he promised improved relations with those capitalist countries " which respect our sovereignty " , and called for the signing of a peace treaty between North Korea and the United States , and the negotiation of a non-aggression pact between North and South Korea .
17 Hearing of the arrest of Martin Luther King in Georgia , he telephoned King 's wife to express his sympathy and called for the release of the highly respected civil rights leader .
18 The CCDFG denounced the continued existence of " repressive laws " and called for the release of political prisoners and detainees .
19 The EC 's Feb. 17 statement expressed grave concern about attacks on the Greek minority in Albania , and called for the re-establishment of public order by the Albanian government .
20 Soviet Germans , about two million strong , established a new All-Union Society of Germans in early 1989 and called for the restoration of their autonomous republic , which had been abolished at the outbreak of the war in 1941 .
21 A strong , vocal group argued that Raybestos should not be allowed to emit any asbestos dust from the factory , and called for the use of a safe alternative in the factory process .
22 She drew on sensible boots and a warm woollen cape and called for the carriage to be brought round to the front .
23 The Congress resolution criticized the reforms and called for the introduction of higher levels of social protection .
24 In a final communiqué they agreed to accelerate economic integration of their countries by the creation of a customs union by 1995 , and called for the strengthening of economic ties with their main trading partner , the European Communities ( EC ) .
25 At its second congress on Feb. 8-12 , however , it had criticized the government for failing to implement the UDF programme , and called for the replacement of the Cabinet 's economic team .
26 The Latvian party leader Boris Pugo attacked the ‘ boundless diktat of the union ministries ’ and called for the establishment of ‘ genuine sovereignty ’ for the union republics based upon the principle of self-financing .
27 The Palestinian delegation announced its intention to attend committee meetings and called for the establishment of two additional committees covering the status of east Jerusalem and human rights .
28 The UK Labour Party expressed concern about the lack of parliamentary scrutiny of MI5 and called for the establishment of a select committee to supervise all the intelligence agencies .
29 It also urged the Security Council " to review the situation before Jan. 15 , 1993 , in order to implement relevant [ UN ] resolutions " , and called for the establishment of an international tribunal to try those accused of war crimes .
30 The party conference of March 1945 endorsed the policies outlined in the White Paper and called for the abandonment by industry and unions of restrictive practices .
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