Example sentences of "[coord] arrange for [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Failure to pay can result in our applying to the court for power to deduct arrears from your income or to arrange for the sale of your goods to recover the amount due .
2 On receipt of the Change Request Form the Development Manager reviews the Change Request or arranges for a member of the Development Team to review the Change Request .
3 Then the agent either sends an invoice to the artist for the commission , or arranges for the commission to be paid by the promoters .
4 The provisions of the 1990 National Health Service and Community Care Act make the following statutory requirements of case managers : ‘ Where it appears to a local authority that any person for whom they may provide or arrange for the provision of community care services may be in need of any such services , the authority ( a ) shall carry out an assessment of his needs for those services and ( b ) having regard to the results of that assessment , shall then decide whether his needs call for the provision by them of any such services . ’
5 It may be possible , due to restricted publicity and advertising , for few tenders to be submitted and personal friends or acquaintances of the agent to be able to submit a low offer , or arrange for an offer to be submitted once all the tenders have been opened .
6 In Johnson and Bloy ( Holdings ) Ltd v Wolstenholme Rink Plc [ 1989 ] IRLR 499 the Court of Appeal granted an injunction to the plaintiffs to prevent the defendant from disclosing or using the information that two specified ingredients might be used in combination in the manufacture of a drier for a printing ink and from manufacturing or arranging for the manufacture of printing inks containing therein a drier containing the two ingredients .
7 25–9–1897 The Session had under consideration the subject of having a half yearly Communion and arranged for a service on 7th November .
8 ACM Sir Denis Spotiswood supported this solution and arranged for a survey of R5868 to be carried-out to assess its general condition and the work that would be involved to bring it up to display condition .
9 Dr Manfred Thaller , President of the International Association for History and Computing backed the seminar and arranged for the publication of its proceedings .
10 Since any further delay would limit the use of this space for this season the chairman went ahead and arranged for the work to be carried out .
11 Since any further delay would limit the use of this space for this season the chairman went ahead and arranged for the work to be carried out .
12 He called the RAC once more and arranged for the car to be taken to the edge of Brighton .
13 On the other hand , if the order is opposed , the usual action must be taken to retain and brief counsel , to settle precognitions and to arrange for a hearing before the commissioners .
14 RUFs can take two forms : either a single bank acts as a placing agent and arranges for a group of banks to underwrite an issue on a revolving basis ; or a group of banks act as a tender panel for the placement of the notes .
15 Detectives found group members would buy written-off cars and arrange for a vehicle of the same make and model to be stolen from Teesside , Humberside or North Yorkshire .
16 I should be grateful if you would look into this matter and arrange for the embankment to be tidied and the undergrowth trimmed back .
17 The society also placed advertisements asking for applications to draw on its funds for the purpose of release from debtors ' prisons , and backed this up by sending two members of the committee on a tour of London 's gaols to receive applications and arrange for the release of ‘ the most distressed objects , preferring the most useful Artists and Manufacturers , and those who have the largest families . ’
18 As in Italy , during the previous year , a political party appeared in Germany in 1920 , led by Adolph Hitler , called the National Socialists — Nazi for short — vowing to unify all Germans and arrange for the abolition of the Treaty of Versailles , which imposed heavy reparations and restrictions on Germany .
19 ( 3 ) In the case of an application for the provisional grant of a new licence , the applicant shall , along with his application , lodge with the clerk of the board a plan of the premises in respect of which the application is made ; and arrange for the display at the site of the premises of a notice all as mentioned in subsection ( 2 ) ( ii ) above .
20 Employers will have to assess health and safety risks to employees and others who may be affected and arrange for the implementation of measures identified by the risk assessment ( p 104 ) .
21 Have the bed moved downstairs if you live in a house and , if you do not have a downstairs toilet , contact the Red Cross and arrange for the loan of a commode .
22 It 's also your responsibility to strip beds and arrange for the disposal of inflammable or explosive materials .
23 Please can you look into this and arrange for the job to be finished as soon as possible .
24 Please could you take this matter up with them as a matter of urgency and arrange for the seat to be re-instated .
25 Please could you take this matter up with them as a matter of urgency and arrange for the seat to be re-instated .
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