Example sentences of "[coord] send [pers pn] [adv prt] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 An ‘ undred years ago they would ‘ ave ‘ anged me on the spot or sent me off to Australia , so I ca n't complain .
2 Alejandro and his son all stop horses with five-inch curbs and send them on with spurs about the same length .
3 Many people who had never been abroad before were happy to let the tour operator take the strain and send them off on holidays where everything was organized for them .
4 One way of dealing with these problems is to run off a standard pro-forma , to fill in the blank spaces and send them off to parents .
5 If there 's anything embedded in it like gravel or something and it does n't come away easily you must n't , it comes under the categories of what you call foreign bodies , which first aider is not at liberty to poke about , you must leave foreign bodies that do n't come away easily where they are and bandage them round and send them off to hospital or a doctor , but assuming it 's just a little clean graze , if I have n't got a tap to put it under , then I must use little bits of gauze to wash , put in a bowl of water and just wipe , yeah , and you always wipe obviously from the centre of a wound towards the outside , otherwise if you start to wipe across the whole thing you take dirt from one side of the wound across and drop it off in the middle somewhere , so you wipe from the centre out and throw that piece away and you take another piece and wipe from the centre out and so on until you feel happy , quite happy .
6 Get hold of Topper and send him round to Rhoda Brocklebank .
7 ‘ We 're going to take Sarah , grind her up and send her back as hamburger meat . ’
8 The latest threat to children recently is not just wait till your dad gets home , but , my daughter told her four week old baby , if you 're not good I 'll put you on the fax and send you through to daddy .
9 He began writing jokes and scripts for TV shows and sending them off to producers and stars .
10 Our prime purpose is to glorify God in reaching men and women for Christ , building them up in Christ , and sending them out for Christ .
11 She spent evenings assembling it in her own house and sending it out to midwives .
12 When I came round they gave me a large tot of whisky , another injection of morphia and sent me off to Imtarfa , as drunk as a lord .
13 Doctors failed to diagnose her fractured skull and sent her back to Turner Village with a note saying she should be kept under observation and a message to return if her condition changed .
14 He used her , discarded her , then paid her off and sent her back to Ireland !
15 I therefore took with us Ergay , one of our zabanias , selected a place to sleep under an overhanging rock and sent him back to camp to bring Birru in the evening with a mule , blankets and food .
16 At a meeting on 25th September they accepted his explanation and sent him back to Stockport , where he apparently continued his work for a total of thirteen years , until Chorleton returned to take up his position .
17 When in the winter of 838 – 9 Louis the German rebelled openly , the emperor crushed him completely in a swift campaign , and sent him back to Bavaria .
18 He says did n't realise it was so serious and sent him back to class with an ice pack .
19 Burton was so elated at his tough bargaining that he took a rare taxi back to Pelham Crescent , where he met his neighbour , Emlyn Williams , who winkled the details out of him and sent him back for £30 .
20 When he had fallen asleep , Aurangzeb quietly chained up his brother in silver fetters and sent him off to Delhi in a covered elephant howdah .
21 Every station sent in the reports in code and we collected them and sent them on to Bomber Command Headquarters .
22 So the lads here knocked them from their horses , and stripped off their breeches ’ — Jean Bruce giggled and he paused to cuddle her and kiss her cheek — ‘ and sent them back to Atholl .
23 He took several photographs of it and sent them off to London .
24 He took them down to the station and sent them off to London by passenger train .
25 He wrote plays and sent them off to West End managements and kept writing when they were rejected : he did some work as a freelance writer , producer and actor on BBC Radio which had studios in Cardiff .
26 And he recalled those who had practised best , dressed them up , and sent them out into Rome 's most fashionable streets in procession , to advertise his productions — Turandot he preceded with an enormous Chinese display , dragons , lanterns , fluttering silks and banners — all around the city .
27 Then they 'd they 'd bunged us in the train and sent us down to Marseilles .
28 I made a short story of the business and sent it up to Encounter , but the puritanical buggers in charge sent me a rejection slip !
29 Arriving at Le Caillou , Napoleon found that Maj Duuring of the First Chasseurs , guarding the baggage , had taken the initiative and sent it on towards Cherleroi .
30 Next morning I checked the typing for errors and sent it back for correction .
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