Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] [pron] fingers [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She reached for the little wrist and laid her fingers against the inside .
2 He was wearing a T-shirt , and she slid her hands beneath it and threaded her fingers through the soft curls on his chest .
3 Unaware that she was screaming , Christine reached towards his face with her one good arm and hooked her fingers into the burns which crusted his cheek .
4 Taking one hand off the wheel , Nathan reached out and hooked his fingers through the front of her harness .
5 The volatile combination of passion and laughter was so overwhelming that Virginia shut her eyes and tangled her fingers in the ruffled dark hair and began to drown in the exquisite taste and texture and sensation of kissing Guy and being kissed back very comprehensively in return .
6 Jane reached out and rested her fingers on the back of his hand .
7 Holding her head high , she went over to the rail and rested her fingers on the chrome , looking out over the sparkling , sun-streaked water .
8 Tabitha sighed in annoyance and drummed her fingers on the desktop .
9 Herr Nordern gulped his beer and drummed his fingers on the table .
10 Urquhart laughed and drummed his fingers on the table .
11 Cornelius smiled and drummed his fingers on the steering wheel .
12 Tony smiled to himself and drummed his fingers on the edge of the table .
13 She took a deep breath , and jabbed her fingers into the gaping mouth .
14 ‘ I sank down on my knees and thrust my fingers into the dry warm sand . ’
15 She slid past him and curled her fingers around the thin wheel with its padded sleeve .
16 She replaced the receiver and tapped her fingers on the dog-eared directory as she waited for it to ring .
17 Cranston turned and flicked his fingers at the urchin .
18 She turned towards the pantry and slipped her fingers beneath the slats .
19 Finally , she grabbed hold of the dispenser 's cooling fin whilst it was waving a krill doughnut around in a vain attempt to attract custom , pulled it close and , in a casual and unremarkable manner , moved her hand down to the dispenser 's access plate and ran her fingers around the seam until she felt a magnetic bolt buzzing beneath her fingers .
20 I went over and ran my fingers over the length of the flexor tendons , feeling for signs of thickening .
21 He crossed to the open storage cabinets and ran his fingers along the rows of simularity crystals ; her files , her notes , her diary .
22 He straightened the folds , and ran his fingers through the dead youth 's thick thatch of reddish-brown hair , up from the nape to the rounding at the back of the head , where that seam had rested , and surely helped to break the force of the blow .
23 He avoided Alexei 's eyes , and ran his fingers over the grain of the layers of wood and horn which were compressed between the clamps .
24 He reached beneath the saddle and dipped his fingers in the shelf of scented unguents , then began to smear them delicately about the tiny hole , pushing inward , the unguents working their magic spell , making the muscles relax .
25 Isambard lifted a hand without turning his head , and snapped his fingers at the shifting , uneasy murmur at his back .
26 I stumbled to a halt and snapped my fingers through the air .
27 As his mouth moved sensuously on hers , she tightened her arms round his neck and slid her fingers into the thick hair at the nape , then stiffened in shock when his tongue intruded between her teeth .
28 I intended to tell you last evening , but what with one thing and another — ’ He released her chin and slid his fingers up the side of her face to cup it .
29 He smiled cynically and spread his fingers across the chair arms , the tan of his skin dark and vivid against the blue silk .
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