Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] felt a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When they spoke of the marks of fingers , I remembered the murder of my brother and I felt a terrible fear .
2 You can feel the same oppressive sense of place at Culloden , where great numbers of Scots were massacred , and I felt a similar sense of sadness and grief as I walked through Glencoe where the Macdonalds were treacherously murdered by the Campbells .
3 He rang off and I felt a warm glow of appreciation for Fred Workman who had just offered me my first full-time job in journalism .
4 We had sex in the park and I felt a tremendous nausea for what I had done .
5 Then you started on with that high-handed act , and I felt a tremendous urge to tame your proud spirit , hear your soft whimpering sighs as I buried myself in you .
6 I love the fresh smell in the air when everything seems to be coming to life again and I felt a natural surge of joy , as if in a few weeks ' time John would be coming home from his first trip away just as he should have done the previous April .
7 After an hour or two of observing the various shapes and sizes of mouths crammed with teacake the novelty began to wear off and I felt a bilious attack coming on .
8 I trembled so much I broke the vase I had been dusting , and I felt a sweet fountain of delight flow up through me .
9 A muscle twitched in his cheek , and she felt a strange sense of regret .
10 The voice coming from behind her sent Lindsey whirling to face Niall , and she felt a ridiculous surge of relief run through her as he walked , smiling , into the cabin .
11 No clue , that was , other than what her heart told her , and as Tom entered the room once more , his eyes coming straight to meet her own , her spirits lifted again and she felt a mysterious sense of rightness about it all .
12 The space beside her was empty , and she felt a keen sense of loss that was instantly alleviated when the door opened and Michele came in , carrying a breakfast-tray .
13 " You sweet creature , " she thought she heard him say and she felt a warm butterfly kiss on her mouth .
14 Her question seemed to catch her more off guard than it did him , and she felt a warm blush rise to her cheeks .
15 She mumbled beneath his mouth when his fingers pressed hard into her firm buttocks , and she felt a hot flame burn where his hand had rested , her mouth , her body , her mind all whirling with the incredible sensation that his unprovoked assault was arousing .
16 The muscles of his arms and chest were rippling as he moved and she felt a hot flush creeping over her body .
17 The slight movements from the recovery cage brought her back to the present and she felt a great sense of relief as she watched the gradual return to consciousness of her patient .
18 There was authority in his voice and she felt a great surge of relief , as if he were plucking at her pain and releasing it .
19 He was an old , stooping , emaciated bachelor , aghast at the facts of life ; he never smiled , but glowered defensively at the world from under his eyebrows , and she felt a certain sympathy for him .
20 Later , he showed her around and told her in detail the things that needed doing to the house , and she imagined her father here , sliding down the banisters or across the ballroom floor , and she felt a sentimental attachment to the place creep over her like the muffling fog .
21 To her horror , his words set off a ripple of excitement within her , and she felt a betraying warmth flood her cheeks .
22 There was something in his voice that suddenly got through to her , and she felt a little tendril of pleasure unwinding inside .
23 But she snapped , ‘ I 'm not tired , I 'm not , ’ glaring at him like an enemy , and he felt a sour weariness at the prospect of the long , white night ahead of them .
24 Another of his blinding headaches had developed and he felt a tight sensation in his chest , which made breathing very painful and difficult .
25 I wore my jeans but I felt a complete mess .
26 It was pretty good fun , but I felt a little sick from all the rocking .
27 Nor did Marian know why but she felt a decided unwillingness to open the sack .
28 But she felt a guilty flare inside .
29 But he felt a tremendous sense of awe at the invitation to visit the President as an equal .
30 His teachers at his Plymouth school threw scorn on the idea of going to a redbrick university when he could have chosen Oxford , but he felt a strong pull towards oil engineering and displayed the stubborn streak that was later to characterise his industrial career .
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