Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] a [adj] commitment to " in BNC.

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1 A radical minority of the intelligentsia took their criticism beyond intellectual dissent , broke their ties with conventional society and made a conscious commitment to the revolutionary overthrow of the tsarist order .
2 This view of our purpose prevents frustration at loss of ‘ role within the church ’ and encourages a fresh commitment to evangelism as a way of life .
3 ‘ The firm is very departmentalised and has a strong commitment to legal aid work .
4 The registered nurse tutor is involved in the education of the learner throughout training , and has a heavy commitment to teaching in the school of nursing .
5 To achieve the status of ‘ Preferred Supplier , ’ a company must demonstrate that it can provide products and services which are uniform , consistently meet requirements and show an on-going commitment to quality .
6 This , however , has been felt to be rather ironical since , although he is critical of idealism and maintains a formal commitment to empirical rationalism , it is Hobhouse who in fact calls for the greater degree of state intervention .
7 The second prejudice against dissection was held by religious people who took in a literal sense the resurrection of the body , and had an emotional commitment to this doctrine , even if intellect told them that an incomplete body could be no bar to the miracle of rising from the grave with the sounding of the last trump .
8 Involving all relevant functions in discussion and decision lays many misconceptions to rest at all levels and generates a helpful commitment to the system .
9 SHORT-TERM political and commercial judgments can lead to commercial advantage but threaten a long-term commitment to shipping safety and quality , said Lloyd 's Register chairman Sir Roderick MacLeod in the 1991 report published yesterday .
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