Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] [pos pn] hands [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Ashley waited until their fellow diners had drifted away to explore the gardens or dip their hands in the cool water which tinkled in the stone fountains , and then moved her chair closer to her escort 's .
2 He put down the carving knife on the chopping block and wiped his hands on the end of his apron .
3 A one-parent family , living on scraps from the educational world , too proud to seek refuge and warm her hands on the tepid thickly painted radiators of Leeds , to cast off her jerseys and socks on the radiant central heating of Sussex , to lie half-naked in that ill-starred farmhouse in Tuscany .
4 There 's a man cooking chestnuts on the corner and I stop and warm my hands over the fire and look at the Christmas tree .
5 She could sense Guy watching her with narrowed attention , and clenched her hands inside the pockets of her suede waistcoat , battling to get her reactions under control .
6 His steps grew brisker and he punched and thumped at shop doors , crashed padlocks against their cold chains and hanged his hands on the windows .
7 Keep your left knee turned out to the side , and place your hands through the gap in front of you on the floor .
8 Sit as shown , and place your hands on the lower thighs so you can feel the leg muscle contractions .
9 Placing the right leg forward , the student leans back over his left leg and drops his hands to the floor , while keeping watch on his opponent over the right shoulder .
10 And he 'd wipe his brush on a rag soaked in turps and wash his hands in the kitchen sink and off they 'd go , calling for Preston sometimes from next door , because he liked it , too .
11 Fortunately w the canal was close to , we all er rushed to the canal and wash our hands in the canal and wash our face cos the vapour had gone on to us .
12 Grainne took the hot fragrant wine gratefully , and cupped her hands about the goblet for warmth .
13 ‘ You and me both , ’ Jane grumbled , standing up and smoothing her hands down the front of her creased navy and white pleated skirt .
14 She put down the bread knife and rested her hands on the table .
15 On evening walks down Loreto , a lane of high stone walls , trying to decide on a restaurant , I would stop and run my hands over the ashlars , marvelling at the purity of each one as I have marvelled at the completeness of a sculpture by Brancusi ; each of them so tightly locked together that I found it impossible to fit a fingernail between them .
16 Cornelius made cheering noises and drummed his hands on the steering wheel .
17 He sat down opposite Grout and clasped his hands on the large white blotter which almost covered the top of the small desk .
18 Daniel sat on the bed and clasped his hands against the sides of his head .
19 He could meet the woman in the shop , pass through the curtain in the back make sure her husband was out , and fuck her , that 's what was being asked of him ; then help her , drop a word in the police chief 's ear , shrug his shoulders and wave his hands at the severity of the charges , promise on his professional honour that such a boy was hardly a threat .
20 For the first time the old man stopped and folded his hands on the end of the axe-handle .
21 He shrugged and raised his hands with the air of a man prepared to be tolerant and forgiving .
22 He stood up straight and thrust his hands into the pockets of his faded jeans .
23 He walked down to the tail and pressed his hands on the rudder , wet with morning mist .
24 After a moment she walked across the room and placed her hands on the two arms of the chair , effectively pinning Marianne in place .
25 I decided to see what would happen if I pressed my lips against the microphone and placed my hands on the stool .
26 He pointed at it and waved his hands in the wash-out signal .
27 Pulling his coat collar up around his nape , and plunging his hands into the minty depths of his pockets , Estabrook followed his guide through the nearest gap in the corrugated wall .
28 Later , when the boys had gone below deck to sleep we sat in the bow and trailed our hands in the warm water .
29 ‘ In fact , my resistance is non-existent … ’ he groaned tautly , drawing her against him and running his hands down the slim curve of her back , so that their bodies were pressed close together .
30 He began to whistle , and taking his hands of the handlebars he negotiated the last half mile home without touching them again .
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