Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] go [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And is that for children who are living there or just go in for the day ?
2 You can park in the drive , or even go on round the back . ’
3 Go round into the Industrial Estate turn left your first left and right go right to the end and when you look right there 's nothing
4 Oh we go all ups and down go all over the playing field
5 Mark took from Sophia the cyclostyled leaflet hardly a ‘ brochure ’ he felt — and read through the rules starting with ‘ Sex ( undoctored … = and Siamese cats can not be accepted ) ’ , going on to invite owners to bring bedding but ‘ no bowls , please ’ , and ending with the injunction ‘ This year we must ask you to leave your cat at the house and not go down to the Cattery .
6 Okay has anybody else got anything more on that on that subject ? if we go back for a bit and just go back to the
7 I say , like I say I just just red er paint summat like , these are white these and just go down on the red and just up there and just up here , just get your displays
8 I 'd decided to relax and just go along with the ‘ package ’ that he offered .
9 The Colonel will first visit the sub-unit guarding the Signals Regiment based at Ayios Nikolaos , and then go on to the sub-unit at Dhekelia .
10 But when stuff came down the dock to people off , on to a boat , would that be stored in a warehouse first and then go on to the boat or would it be
11 So on a , c just to summarize and , and then go on to the fourteen great achievements .
12 Right , I want to go through isomerism and then go straight onto the erm e , go strai glad you made , a bit late but er
13 He would hang about outside and then go up to the grave afterwards and pay his own quiet tribute .
14 Go to the outer door and then go up to the dorms , but do it quietly .
15 We 'll meet here and then go over to the lab together , OK ? ’
16 I was in the house the night you came back , and I watched you try the french windows , and then go round to the back to find the kitchen window locked , too .
17 I mean I 'm gon na try and give , the first two guys and er Mike who came in , they did n't do very well cos they did n't actually mention that bit and it did n't flow from then on , you 've got ta make the point , you know , did you find that er well not did you , that 's bad phraseology , I 'm sure you found this beneficial which of the areas of the five tonight actually interest you the most do that bit and then go in with the fact that you actually mentioned earlier on that you do work on a recommendation basis .
18 If you can afford it , spend two or three days recording your tracks , take away a rough mix and then go back to the studio after a week or so .
19 Rightly or wrongly we believed that as long as we were discriminated in every walk of life it would be absurd to pretend that everything was OK in rugby and play against the English and then go back to the township .
20 None-the-less , we are determined to fill those places by the New Year and then go back to the Department of Employment for more . ’
21 All that on the hill and then go down to the and measure from there to the top of the hill to see how much pipe for the
22 All he had to do was wait until dusk , and then go out with the tide .
23 " Bigwig , " he said , " why do n't you swim over now , and then go out into the field and have a look round ?
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