Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] live [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As has been often demonstrated , however , this is not the case if we take the representative individual from a group divided on the basis of skin colour , parental occupation , gender or , in England , whether he or she lives in the north or south of the country .
2 It is also true that the growing body of scientific evidence has had one effect in that the agreed levels of exposure to both people who work in the industry or who live in the vicinity of power stations have become steadily more stringent since the early days when it was thought unnecessary to warn military personnel that there was any risk in their presence a matter of miles from an atomic test explosion .
3 The creatures of the open sea , then , live either in the plankton ; or live in the waters beneath and browse upon the plankton — or live upon the browsers ; or they live on the bottom , and wait for the planktonic manna to rain upon them from above ; or they feed on the creatures that feed upon the bottom .
4 And I live in the village over there . ’
5 I find love songs really soppy and sweet and I live in the city and …
6 I do n't know how they 've done it but the typography on the signs makes me want to pronounce the word Edin-burg , and I live in the place , for God 's sake .
7 Though distinction has been made on morphology it is also useful from the veterinary standpoint , for it separates the single harmful species , Oslerus osleri , living in the upper air passages , from the relatively harmless species which are retained in the genus Filaroides , and which live in the lung parenchyma .
8 At a nearby door , half in the house and half out of the house , they found the body of her boyfriend , Jamie Saunders , who was 22 and who lived at the house with his mother .
9 The pharaoh had thrown out beliefs held for two thousand years , rejecting them as superstitions , and replaced them all by a single god , whose spirit could not be contained in images , whose love extended to all people , and who lived in the power of the sunlight .
10 She was pretty and popular and she lived for the moment .
11 All magicians can be tested by laughter because corruption can not stand mockery ; and when his daughter laughed at him he drove her out into the wilderness , and she lived in the wilderness with the wild beasts and angels ministered to her .
12 She actually I have to be I 've been to her house and she lives in the middle of nowhere I wo n't tell you where , she lives in the middle of nowhere in fact I drove past it three times before we found it .
13 But then she got married and we lived down the road there for a while till they repaired these , they made these There was very old houses these are .
14 Er and we lived above the shop then .
15 My mother came from around here , and we lived in the area until I was about eight years old .
16 General Lu Han had 180000 troops with him and they lived off the country in the traditional Chinese manner , looting and exporting industrial plant to China .
17 The knowledge they seek is experiential , and they lived in the expectation of a final reality which must inevitably be in itself a judgement on the existential awareness of it at a human level .
18 They bought half excuse me half of it and they lived in the basement , then the other half came up for sale so Peter bought the whole lot then
19 Robert is a trapper and Helen is his wife and they live in the log cabin .
20 an undertaker and he lived near the centre of the island .
21 ‘ His name was Charlie Mears ; he was the only son of his mother who was a widow , and he lived in the north of London , coming into the City every day to work in a bank . ’
22 His marriage has collapsed and he lives in the south of England with his two sons .
23 But she lived in the shadow of her sporty sisters and her mother who was ‘ captain of everything ’ when she was at school and would have played at Junior Wimbledon but for an attack of appendicitis .
24 Neither you nor I meddle in politics , but we live in the world , in society , and involuntarily ranks of people group themselves ,
25 But he lives on the hope , and that 's enough . ’
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