Example sentences of "[noun prp] found [pn reflx] [v-ing] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It could have been hours or minutes later that Isabel found herself staring into a dark pit .
2 Leaning away slightly as Ibn Fayoud enveloped her in his gowns and aftershave , Kelly found herself looking at a smiling Annie .
3 Rex found himself crashing to the ground .
4 Lucy found herself mouthing like a mill worker to make herself understood over the noise , which was louder than any machinery .
5 After an hour the ship emerged from the jungle , and the Shermans found themselves gazing across an open alluvial plain dotted with isolated clumps of palm .
6 Ruth found herself crouching on the floor , almost fainting ; wondering how she could ever have thought before that Fincara was casting spells .
7 Benny found herself standing in a smooth-floored entryway that opened on to the docks about ten feet further on .
8 Even with regard to this episode Margaret showed a sisterly loyalty : I am told that when she and Ivy found themselves staying at the same hotel as Cecilia Ady , Eleanor Jourdain 's chief opponent , ‘ there was a marked coldness ’ .
9 Willie found himself standing in a large field .
10 Lindsey found herself gazing at a fully equipped unit that would have done credit to any major hospital .
11 Nikos smiled and said something softly in Greek , and for some reason Lindsey found herself blushing at the sudden contact of Niall 's hand against her arm , but she could n't interpret the look he gave her as they were ushered towards one of the few empty tables overlooking the harbour .
12 Lindsey found herself battling against an almost overwhelming and totally illogical desire to run her fingers through its neatness .
13 Lee found herself gazing at the pubes of a woman a little way along from her and thinking about undergrowths and mazes and secrets and magic and dirt .
14 Lee ‘ s briskness had been a last stand and she was ready to turn and walk down the five flights of stairs again when the door in front of her suddenly swung open and Lee found herself walking through the doorway .
15 Jessamy found herself staring at the powerful set of his shoulders , and remembered all too clearly that the aura of power was n't just an illusion .
16 Delaney found himself looking at a cargo vessel with a very high superstructure three-quarters aft .
17 Miranda found herself flying through the air .
18 In his corner Joseph found himself grappling with an overwhelming sense of bewilderment .
19 More and more , Beth found herself acting as the buffer between them , and curiously enough , at times when she sought to protect him , it seemed as though she was actually having to fight her own husband .
20 Maybe it was the abrupt pain of thinking about Tara , or the sudden recollection that this man blending so effortlessly into the family gathering was not to be trusted , but Virginia found herself cutting into the convivial mood and causing a sudden , rather surprised silence .
21 Huy found himself looking at the man 's lips alone , and the spittle switching from one to the other , in horrified fascination and to the exclusion of everything else .
22 Lewis found himself looking at the back page of The Oxford Times which lay on the desk .
23 The first three shows last September really were filmed live , and the temperature in the first club reached 152°F scrambling the digital equipments programming , so that Matt Bianco found themselves miming to a completely different tune .
24 Charles found himself muttering to the motherly dresser , who handed him his hat .
25 Mr Berkley found himself responding to the insistent beat .
26 Wycliffe found himself gazing at the white hairs which sprouted from her upper lip and looked quickly away .
27 As he handed the child to his mother , the little mouth opened in a yawn and George found himself looking into a pair of slate blue eyes .
28 Wilting under a hail of stones and a hefty dose of the hard stuff , Jimmy Johnstone darted for cover and along with Rangers defender Sandy Jardine found himself hiding in the vicinity of a group of rowing boats .
29 ‘ You be careful , my dad 's a vicar ! ’ and the car had stopped and the man had sworn at him viciously , using some phrases Luke later regretted not remembering , and Luke found himself shaking on the dark verge a mile out of Snead .
30 With the Philharmonia wind players at their vaulting , brilliant best , it was a performance which Porter found himself preferring to the mellower and long-admired Clemens Krauss recordings , which sounded tame by comparison .
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