Example sentences of "[noun prp] stare [adv] at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Twenty minutes later , wearing her grey flannel trousers and mole-coloured jersey and with her hair casually tied back in a velvet ribbon , Julia walked into the salon , only to be brought up short by the sight of David staring blankly at a yellow form in his right hand , a tumbler of whisky ignored and tilting in his left .
2 Crouched in the shadows at the curve of the banister , Frankie stared down at the dark jungle of coats and jackets hanging from a row of wall-hooks in the lower corridor .
3 Then he turned and went out , leaving Ellie to stare speechlessly at the most money she had ever seen in her life .
4 Ellie stared out at the full moon above the yard , above the wrong part of town .
5 Rincewind stared muzzily at the recumbent tourist .
6 Meanwhile Ali Christie was sitting in the Pavilion Gallery in Brook Street staring morosely at the gilt-framed picture of his wife on the desk .
7 Helen stared doggedly at a Swiss cheese plant .
8 De Craon stared bleakly at the English clerk and shrugged to show his unease .
9 Jack Butler stared morosely at the large white television in his modern penthouse fiat in the centre of Leeds .
10 Sara stared irritably at the enormous untidy lump of steak Lizzie brought out for her inspection .
11 Virginia stared down at the half-eaten roll on her plate , and took a shaky sip of coffee .
12 Joe stared down at the large , rough hand gently rubbing against him .
13 Connon stared down at the young man in the picture as if he was looking at a stranger and trying to analyse what made him seem vaguely familiar .
14 Isabel stared up at the royal castle high on its hill overlooking the town and wondered what the grim stone fortress would mean to her .
15 Athelstan stared down at the long , white face under its tarry black hood .
16 Peter Carson stared hard at the open copy of The Cookery Year on the work surface before him .
17 Outside Benjamin stared up at the darkening sky .
18 The door was opened almost immediately by a tiny grey-haired woman , who looked past Collins to stare hard at the two strangers standing behind him .
19 Bodie stared down at the spread-eagled figure , then reached out to close the staring eyes .
20 Charlie stared out at the open fields that must once have been productive farmland .
21 Lt. Mikhail Vologsky stared again at the buff-coloured application form , so meticulously filled out , and so callously rejected .
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