Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] herself [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 While Cleo and Dauntless tried to arrange themselves comfortably upon the sacking — which smelled malodorous in the extreme , as if the dogs had been using it as a toilet Apanage busied herself with the ghost-bagging equipment .
2 TONI Halliday sees herself as a hard NorthEast woman .
3 Here Alice Walker finds herself in a typical double bind : the cultural and political conditions of her novel are deracinated ; it becomes immensely popular among white middle-class readers who , unsurprisingly , have read few other black writers ; it is accused of assuaging white guilt , of being charmingly apolitical …
4 After the high energy opening of ‘ The Locomotion ’ Kylie launched herself into a raunchy version of her second bit hit ‘ Got To Be Certain ’ .
5 Alexandra surveyed herself in the long glass on the wall .
6 Connie parked herself on a white divan and poured out some black steaming liquid .
7 As they began to climb the stairs , arms still wrapped around each other , Ronni asked herself for the hundredth time what she would do if he did .
8 About to batter the floor with her heel , Lissa stopped herself with a superhuman effort and held herself rigid .
9 Benny found herself in a rock-walled tunnel , with bare bulbs hanging from the ceiling at regular intervals .
10 Léonie thrust herself into the musty blackness behind the barrel , found an arm , two arms , pulled .
11 Selina established herself at the circular steel table : evening paper , teacup , a single , deserved cigarette .
12 Claudia Yeo nerved herself for a final effort .
13 Joe returned the warm plates of food to the table , and Dolly helped herself to the mint sauce .
14 Stray shots buzzing all around , Ace threw herself behind a large fallen stalactite a few yards from the sandbags , just as her ammunition ran out .
15 Silvia perched herself with a broad smile on the edge of the bed .
16 Wycliffe lazed in his chair , while Helen lost herself in the zany twilight world of Iris Murdoch .
17 Tabitha flung herself at the hard bunk with an angry sigh .
18 Jessamy told herself with a dark frown .
19 When Defries pulled herself over the projecting fragments of glass and into the cockpit , Daak was still half out of the pilot 's seat , staring at Ace 's back and her wind-whipped hair .
20 Fran settled herself in the soft leather seat , not daring to glance at the two men in case she precipitated some sort of an adverse reaction .
21 When we arrived , Mary let herself in the front door and we entered the dining room .
22 However , while searching the many rooms for signs of the species Homo Sapiens , Daisy caught herself on a mystic spinning wheel and fell into a sleep so deep it would surely last for a hundred years ( zzzzzzzz ! — Ed ) .
23 Orlan , 45 , is currently showing a video of her last operation as she tours Australia to display herself as a living work of art .
24 From 1907 Richardson devoted herself to a journalistic career , publishing periodical articles on topics which ranged from literature and politics to dentistry , as well as reviews , sketches , short stories , and poems .
25 Alina perched herself on the far end of the three-seater .
26 The fact , however , that Britain linked herself to the German economy through the ERM meant that , far from conducting the opposite policies to Germany 's — which it would have been in her real interest to do — she had to follow suit .
27 CATHERINE Zeta Jones sees herself as the new Barbra Streisand .
28 Several Conservative MPs repudiated the Group and Mrs Thatcher dissociated herself from the critical remarks .
29 Mrs Ridley settled herself in a green velvet armchair , laying her stick carefully on the floor beside her .
30 Film stars , such as Marilyn Monroe , are likely candidates , and the pressure of such a role can create unbearable conflict ; Monroe killed herself at an early age and at the height of her popularity .
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