Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] herself in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Here Alice Walker finds herself in a typical double bind : the cultural and political conditions of her novel are deracinated ; it becomes immensely popular among white middle-class readers who , unsurprisingly , have read few other black writers ; it is accused of assuaging white guilt , of being charmingly apolitical …
2 Alexandra surveyed herself in the long glass on the wall .
3 Benny found herself in a rock-walled tunnel , with bare bulbs hanging from the ceiling at regular intervals .
4 Wycliffe lazed in his chair , while Helen lost herself in the zany twilight world of Iris Murdoch .
5 Fran settled herself in the soft leather seat , not daring to glance at the two men in case she precipitated some sort of an adverse reaction .
6 When we arrived , Mary let herself in the front door and we entered the dining room .
7 Mrs Ridley settled herself in a green velvet armchair , laying her stick carefully on the floor beside her .
8 One morning , Clare found herself in a rumpled bed in a strange bedroom with only sixpence in her purse — not enough to get to work .
9 Where Macbeth had been concealed or opaque to Duncan , and was thus in a superior position , manipulating him by pretence , we now see Lady Macbeth putting herself in the dominant position , planning to manipulate her husband : Macbeth is now transparent to her , and she to us .
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