Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [prep] [art] earlier [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although it seems evident the United States knew of the earlier treaty ( President Cleveland had issued an arbitral award on its interpretation ) , notice on the part of the third party was not mentioned as relevant by the Court .
2 This reflects the almost total concern with American abolitionism of some reformers as well as a liberalism about religious matters which regretted even the refusal to allow the unbeliever Joseph Barker to speak at the earlier Manchester conference .
3 But if Nietzsche stood with the earlier philhellenes in this way , he was explicitly against them in another .
4 In the second part of his autobiography Ways of Escape , Graham Greene writes of an earlier period , ‘ … in Indo-China I drained a magic potion , a loving-cup which I have shared since with many retired colonels and officers of the Foreign Legion whose eyes light up at the mention of Saigon and Hanoi ’ .
5 The A415 , that 's the Abingdon Ring Road , that 's very busy there this evening , the junction with Colwell Drive there 's reduced ( ? ) there because of the road works , and also very heavy traffic in both directions between Abingdon and Dorchester on the Thames owing to an earlier accident .
6 As Mr said in an earlier report , brackets B twelve closed brackets quote , Anna Jane is a quick witted intelligent girl and it is obviously extremely frustrating for her to have to type her conversations , unquote .
7 If you have not recovered SMP paid in an earlier tax year , please ask your local Social Security office .
8 The study draws on data for six local labour markets in Britain gathered under an earlier ESRC sponsored project titled The social change and economic life initiative .
9 The study draws on data for six separate labour markets in Britain gathered under an earlier ESRC sponsored initiative titled The social change and economic life initiative .
10 ‘ It was very hard work for that sort of money and I consider it an insult , ’ Austin said of the earlier award .
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