Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] live [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Worries me , I 've got to live in the house . ’
2 You 've got to live in the moment and the way to do that is to think they do n't know and really enjoy it .
3 Yet how much longer would the people of Bishop Middleham have had to live with the waste if the telltale Blue Billy had not been discovered .
4 We have continued to live in the house as father and son as before , sharing the same facilities , and the house is not separated in any way .
5 Sikh ones have learned to live with the reality of this on their own terms , while Gujerati Hindu male egos appear in general not to suffer from this particular weakness at all .
6 E. Other commuters who travel daily by car have chosen to live outside the conurbation in more desirable , smaller towns and villages , away from the noise , the smoke and the scenes of concrete and brick buildings .
7 In some villages the occupational community has been reconstituted in an attenuated form on the council housing estate or among the tied cottages of the ‘ farm-centred ’ community , but in either case a new dichotomy has emerged between those who have chosen to live in the countryside and those who remain there because of their employment or some other force of circumstances .
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