Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] [prep] a particular [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Children or adolescents who become absorbed by a particular topic , a specific branch of science or period of history , are exercising their imagination .
2 Individual marks become associated with a particular product and with the quality of that product .
3 Lind believes that as we become sensitized to a particular quality or relationship so attentive focus comes to oscillate amongst all the similar proximate elements .
4 The ballot will be secret and neither the names of those who have voted for a particular candidate nor the names of those who have abstained from voting shall be disclosed by the scrutineers .
5 If you have come with a particular ache or pain , do not expect it to disappear straight away .
6 For example , questions of relevance only to married women can be prefaced by a general question about marital status followed by an instruction for those who have answered in a particular way to move to the relevant subset .
7 Often people become accustomed to odours especially those arising from works which have operated in a particular vicinity for a long time .
8 The way in which particular individuals have reacted to a particular restraint , and how this in turn has affected their general social behaviour and attitudes , has no firm rules which can be laid down .
9 Let us assume that we have fixed on a particular language .
10 It may be objected that my argument defines individualism too narrowly ; for rather than contrasting the properties of individuals as such with those of social wholes , I have focussed on a particular range of traits , and in doing so may be said to have neglected properties to which the individualist can legitimately appeal .
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