Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] [prep] the past [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If the postman knocks on the door to delivery the only parcel you 've received in the past three years , you can guarantee it will be at just before eight on the first Saturday morning you 've had a chance to have a proper lie in for months .
2 The apparently calm , almost holiday mood of this Bosnian couple disguises the sheer terror they 've endured over the past few weeks .
3 For instance , if people have n't exhibited management ability in what they think are the worthwhile things they 've done over the past 30 years or so , the chance of them ever being good managers is remote .
4 One of the most positive aspects of Switchboard that I 've seen over the past seven years , apart from the callers , has been the way that many of its members have continuously struggled to put their politics and convictions about gay and other rights into practice ( though some of them might not care to put it that way ) and the strength that working on it has given some people to do so elsewhere .
5 Security guard Ed Collett , 32 , from Highbury , north London , said : ‘ It 's the best film I 've seen in the past few years .
6 ‘ It 's a measure of how much progress we 've made in the past 18 months . ’
7 There are no outstanding flashes in organic chemistry , things move step by step , and the way they 've moved over the past thirty or forty years is quite apparent if anybody looks round their home .
8 God , the best time I 've had in the past five years was one night with Lachy Watt , angry at Ferg , and more surprised than anything else .
9 But what makes those involved remain optimistic is the number , and talent , of the performers who 've emerged in the past two years .
10 Well I 've worked for the past two year really
11 This month , our Top Ten features the best 486SX machines we 've reviewed over the past 18 months , and it 's all designed to make your buying decisions easier .
12 We 've lost over the past two years or , two or three years we 've lost about 60 per cent of our biggest trading accounts through soft loans from the big brewers .
13 Corporate profits have fallen for the past three years .
14 Market indicators show that capital values in public houses have fallen in the past two years by between 50 per cent and 60 per cent .
15 Sadly , a whole generation of political leaders — and even some of their successors today , if what we have heard in the past two days is right — have failed to face up to that fact .
16 In this paper we describe the results of restorative proctocolectomy in 18 patients over the age of 50 whom we have treated in the past six years and compare them with the results achieved in younger patients .
17 Individual colleges and institutes vary both according to the proportion of advanced work which they provide and also the types of courses which they offer , depending partly on the nature of the institutions which went to make them up and partly on the way in which they have developed in the past few years .
18 Does the right hon. Gentleman really believe that if politicians in Northern Ireland had been sitting at a table , the awful atrocities that we have witnessed in the past few days would not have taken place ?
19 I must take this opportunity to say a personal thank you to each and everyone of you for your kind support and all the good wishes that I have received during the past six months .
20 BAD debts incurred by exporters have soared in the past five years , a survey has revealed .
21 I have been very pleased with my performance , with my success and the achievements which I have enjoyed over the past 20 years .
22 While bank deposits have stagnated over the past three years , mutual funds , which are mostly outside the banks ' domain , have grown by two-thirds .
23 And I 'm sure that this report on the health action area is going to show some fairly , erm give us some fairly staggering erm revelations about about the health of Oxford citizens that 's going to surprise people at large when they find out how badly people have fared over the past ten years when we 've had the Tories in office who 've really done their very , very best to make the health divide of this country in a very poor state .
24 At present the authorities in Berlin are having difficulty coping with those who have arrived so far , though no more than 1,100 or so have come in the past few days .
25 The Minister said that the peak age for offending has risen to 18 from 15 , but he chose the end of the two-year period that I would describe as covering the most vulnerable young people on whom the Government have picked in the past 12 years .
26 Is it an affirmation of what his junior energy Minister says : that it will be acceptable for the Scottish Office to be staffed by Members from constituencies south of the border , or of what his Foreign Secretary and Secretary of State for Scotland have said in the past 24 hours : that nothing will happen , or is he considering the possibility of affording the Scottish people the right to determine their own future in a democratic fashion ?
27 ‘ What we have done over the past two years is to improve on our ability to retain the ball in contact , to drive very successfully as units ( as the All Blacks found to their cost in Lille ) and to deep those drives going .
28 Erm , on entertainment , we 're spending a lot of money on organic growth and have done over the past two or three years and er , it 's very well spent but again , we 're growing our businesses , erm , er , rather than acquiring them .
29 What we shall do , as we have done over the past three years , is to ensure that poorer pensioners — those who have not benefited from the result of our general policies towards pensioners which have increased pensioners ' real living standards by over 34 per cent .
30 People in late twentieth-century Britain do not necessarily do less for their relatives than they have done for the past two centuries , nor do they necessarily have a weaker sense of obligation , but they do have to work out the nature of their relationships and the patterns of support associated with them , in circumstances which are very different from the past .
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