Example sentences of "[vb base] [to-vb] at least [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Whether you are having a religious or a civil wedding , you must apply ( in person or in writing ) for a marriage schedule by giving notice to the local registrar where you want to marry at least 15 days ( but not longer than three months ) beforehand .
2 Many governing bodies appear to have at least one member who has some skill in financial planning and most governors are prepared to be sympathetic towards financial proposals from heads who show that they are competent .
3 Each week I try to do at least three duties , and Friday 30 June was my third that week .
4 Try to eat at least four slices of bread a day .
5 At each meal try to have at least one form of good carbohydrate such as we have mentioned above .
6 I have only had the machine for six weeks now , but try to spend at least one hour every day with it .
7 Start drinking plenty of bland liquids such as water , milk , weak tea or orange squash ( not orange juice or carbonated drinks ) , and aim to drink at least eight pints a day .
8 As a subscriber , I will receive , about every two months , a FREE edition of the book review magazine , from each of which I agree to buy at least one book .
9 But remember you have to wait at least 12 weeks after the possible infection for the test result to be accurate .
10 Those with no record of social security contributions , in other words new entrants to the labour market , have to work at least 26 weeks if they are to be eligible for Unemployment Benefit when they lose their jobs .
11 If your life is so rushed that you only have five to ten minutes for lunch , and your body knows that you have to consume at least 300–400 calories in order to make it through until the evening , it is going to look for a very convenient solution , and that means , high calorie , low volume food that is readily available , such as a chunky cheese sandwich , or worse still , a chocolate bar .
12 The radial Spanish trunk network had to contend with one of the most difficult geographies in Europe , which means that most routes from Madrid to the coast have to cross at least one mountain range , while in Britain the major centres are connected across relatively easy terrain .
13 You have to fly at least 12 hours before your initial flight test and on average people fly around 20 hours before getting their licence .
14 ‘ You see , I need to make at least fifty pounds a week for thirty-six weeks a year . ’
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