Example sentences of "[det] attempt [to-vb] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They ( the reforms ) have been cobbled together too quickly and with too little attention paid to genuine consultation , too little attempt to build the necessary consensus . ’
2 There has been very little attempt to produce an adequate framework for monitoring and evaluating such initiatives .
3 The various reform movements of the sixteenth century were another attempt to adapt the Christian vision .
4 Convinced by fear that another attempt to manipulate the rigid ropes and frozen krabs at my waist would result in permanent loss of consciousness , I let Roger take over , clipping me into the belay while I lowered by head against the ice , shivering violently , numb fingers screaming with the return of feeling , struggling rationally to convince my swimming brain that this was not the final descent into hypothermic oblivion .
5 With reluctance , Morton decided that he must make another attempt to identify the dead girl .
6 Thakin Nu made yet another attempt to bring the White Flag Communists back into the AFPFL .
7 It is this attempt to redesign the genetic instructions of living organisms and utilise them on an industrial scale that is creating so much excitement and concern " .
8 This attempt to produce a scientific scheme of ideas has been subjected to severe criticism which need not be repeated here ( see Simon 1957 ; Rose 1975 ) .
9 I must say that the way the discussion has gone this morning , is n I would say , slightly disappointing because there is some attempt to make a positive contribution , but at the moment it 's not necessarily pointing us quite in the direction which we would hope to go .
10 Despite the fact that current legislation does make some attempt to provide a legal framework governing the treatment of the mentally ill , its central focus remains that of detention .
11 … it would be unwise to introduce a prohibition on insider trading before some attempt to prognosticate the economic repercussions of such a prohibition has been made .
12 In this latter attempt to turn the coercive action of metaphor back on itself lies the seed of the type of metaphor developed in Such .
13 Sharing George Herbert 's view of the intrinsic superiority of Anglicanism over both Catholicism and Calvinism , William Laud was opposed to any attempt to draw the English church closer to Rome .
14 In the last chapter , this position was criticized by pointing to difficulties involved in any attempt to justify the inductive reasoning involved in the derivation of scientific laws and theories from observation .
15 In general , then , a bank 's highest yielding assets tend to be illiquid — for example , a large proportion of advances to customers , though profitable , are illiquid ; similarly , equities are illiquid in that any attempt to sell a large amount of stock would depress stock prices and cause capital losses .
16 Given these factors , any attempt to brand the Celtic Church heretical would only have entailed the complete loss of Ireland .
17 The propagandist view of literature , literature as illustration , tendentiousness , are denounced on the grounds that the desire to illustrate one particular ideological viewpoint at the expense of all else , has disastrous consequences at the artistic level since such an approach is at odds with any attempt to display the inherent contradictions and complexities within a given historical situation ; indeed , the case is quite the reverse : it actually masks such contradictions .
18 and this is compounded by the fact that the executive branch has given up any attempt to control the military-industrial complex .
19 Of these the most disturbing has been the tendency of the European centralists to dismiss as treasonable any attempt to debate the precise form of a united Europe .
20 She believes that any attempt to negotiate an acceptable package for the whole school from the start would have resulted in ‘ minimal change at the margins only . ’
21 Any attempt to appreciate the political significance of uneven development must surely undertake the study of the complex interactions between different kinds of social relations in different localities .
22 Thus , any attempt to analyse the former land use around a settlement needs to take into account more than just the present physical nature of the land : changes may have taken place in any period under the influence of the technical abilities , and social and economic conditions prevailing at any time .
23 The stark desire in his face threatened to take what strength she had left , nor did he make any attempt to hide the blatant response of his body to that consuming , passionate kiss , continuing to hold her so tightly that she could feel him with every part of her being , could still taste him inside her mouth .
24 He therefore repudiated any attempt to begin the painful separation of an ‘ authentic ’ from a ‘ false ’ , orthodox or official Marxism , choosing rather to stress the ambivalence of Marxism itself .
25 The film is not primarily a combat movie : no attempt is made to fully identify the kind of unit the protagonists are attached to , nor is there any attempt to locate the central act in time or place .
26 Any attempt to quantify the relative intelligences of species — and even of human beings from different cultural backgrounds — is quite patently misguided : one is trying to apply the same measure to two qualitatively different things .
27 For example , Cortzee shows that contemporary tales of the ‘ tariff reform millions , are not borne out by the relatively impoverished state of the Tariff Reform League , and he demonstrates that the variety of industries and economic activities which were represented in the TRL defy any attempt to produce a simple definition of its interest base .
28 The simple consequence is that , being so deeply buried in the human unconscious , any attempt to uncover the repressed foundations of our social life is bound to encounter severe resistances , especially in the minds of those who have convinced themselves that there is no psychic trauma at the origin of human society and no painful consequences of it hidden within every one of us .
29 However , the leader of the DUP group on the council , William Dick , said his party would oppose any attempt to provide a permanent site for travellers .
30 Some consideration of ethical issues is an important part of any attempt to provide an extensive discussion of sociolinguistic fieldwork methods .
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