Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [prep] [art] [adj] months " in BNC.

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1 Digital Equipment Corp executives remark that the Open Software Foundation better make some progress in the coming months stitching up the wounds of the old Unix wars and accommodating itself to new alliances or else it 's going to have a lot of trouble getting funding from its sponsors next year .
2 There is likely to be some uncertainty in the initial months of the operation of the Act as to whether or not any particular procession is commonly or customarily held .
3 But it 's also useful for yourself , because you can forget a couple of steps , even though you 've built this spreadsheet , and er , when you update this spreadsheet for the following months , you know , occasionally you might forget a step .
4 This process can take anything from a few weeks to a few months .
5 In the Sheriff Court the adjustment period can range from a few weeks to a few months , depending on the whim of the Sheriff .
6 This is very much my experience of this organisation in the eight months I 've worked here .
7 ‘ For the past nine years , Mid Wales has played host to this unique celebration , and we are looking forward to yet another success during the coming months , ’ said festival director Arwel Jones .
8 We 're going to continue with this objective in the coming months in this , the third series , but before we get totally immersed I want to use the first three programmes to stand back to take a more general look at what universities are about today .
9 On some occasions over the three months the concentration of ozone fell by 95 per cent .
10 This was the first that the community of professional scientists had heard about it , and it caused the pair much trouble during the subsequent months as it became clear that several of the claims were wrong .
11 When your programme is fully finished , continue to weigh each day for a few months .
12 These two areas of dispute sustained and fortified each other throughout the eighteen months of Baldwin 's unease .
13 When in London , he stayed with the Fabers ; the capital was being bombed each night through the last months of 1940 , but their house in Hampstead had the additional advantage of a reinforced basement shelter .
14 Perhaps the seamen , with the advantage of the 10s increase at the beginning of 1913 and the £poundl increase of the Admiralty Agreement , were better off than many others in the early months of the war .
15 The rate of interest fixed by the Commissioners on Landed Securities ( which was fixed at 11 ½ per cent for the six months from and after Martinmas 1974 and which will continue at that rate for the six months from and after Whitsunday 1975 ) .
16 There 's no need to put your name and address if you er choose not to do but I think we will actually value your your views on that questionnaire and certainly use those views in the coming months .
17 TONY Pidgely , boss of upmarket builder Berkeley Group , has taken the bombed out housing market by the throat and shaken out 27% more profits in the six months to end October .
18 That is the annual payment , and although we 're seeking approval now for the whole payment , we will defer one of , half of those , both of those payments until the six months ' interval , in order to gain the interest .
19 Because the interest is added to the loan from the outset , you will pay off more interest in the early months than in the later ones .
20 Those who became unemployed as a result of the ending of a temporary job , but who did not become long-term unemployed , were more likely to have experienced three or more spells of joblessness and to have had three or more jobs in the 20 months following initial registration than were the sample as a whole .
21 Wilkie is adamant that there is ‘ little substance in the 12 months to live ’ perception and there are no set percentages of outside sales that he has to meet to ensure survival .
22 I hope that more countries will join that number in the coming months .
23 There had been intensive campaigning by the proponents of each city over the preceding months .
24 For some while he had suffered from phlebitis and several times in the previous months he had been unable to speak at meetings .
25 Kimon , therefore , was dumped by ( among others ) his own troops of a few months before — he was , after all , the man who had got them into the Ithome mess .
26 Although we 'd been left pretty much to our own devices in the last months in the Pit , the year and a half underground had become increasingly depressing .
27 I had discussed the possibility of a proper campaign with several friends over the past months and the idea had taken root in my mind .
28 he has knowingly obtained ( whether directly or indirectly ) that information from another individual who is connected with that company , or was at any time in the six months preceding the obtaining of that information , so connected , and who the tippee knows or has reasonable cause to believe , held the information by virtue of being so connected ; and he
29 Our Canadian housing business continues to rely on a limited number of sites for its housing activity and Millcroft and Creditview subdivisions were the main sources of that activity in the later months of the year .
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