Example sentences of "[vb pp] upon [pron] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 But if this state of comparative retirement owed much to his desire to experience as fully as possible the companionship of marriage , it was also imposed upon him by the demands of his still fragile health .
2 In fact , competition has been reduced , prices have rocketed , thousands of public house tenants have been forced out of the trade and thousands more have felt that they have no reasonable option other than to accept the terms being imposed upon them by the brewers and accept long leases at enormously increased rents , with full responsibility for repairs .
3 Yet it is an objective standard which the directors themselves define , and not one that is imposed upon them by the courts , who regard it as illegitimate to substitute their own view of what constitutes the best interests of the company or the shareholders for that of the directors of the company .
4 Yet this is now the fourth general election in a row in which Scotland has had a Tory government imposed upon it against the wishes and the votes of the overwhelming majority of its people .
5 Organisations sometimes have age discrimination thrust upon them by the vicissitudes of insurance .
6 He is not bound to afford the parties an opportunity to tender evidence or submissions ; and , even if a right to do so is conferred upon them by the terms of the lease , it is doubtful whether the expert need pay any attention to them .
7 A mind with a clear understanding of what it means by ‘ god ’ when making a call on that ‘ god ’ will have access to a physical response of immense scope , controlled only by the limitations put upon it by the processes of evolution .
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