Example sentences of "[vb pp] upon [pron] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We warmed our hands as though a sudden chill had come upon us at the mention of his name .
2 If it is proposed to make employees redundant , it is suggested that the vendor should commence consultation with the unions no later than the same time as the statutory consultation period imposed upon him by the Trade Union and Labour Relations ( Consolidation ) Act 1992 , s188 .
3 Because innkeepers are under specific duties imposed upon them by the Hotel Proprietors Act 1956 and at common law , they in return have certain rights which they may exercise over and above those which proprietors who are not innkeepers may exercise .
4 On December 6 , 1918 , troops of the 9th Battalion B.W.I.R. , unable to contain their frustrations any longer , discarded the racist fetters imposed upon them by the War Office and violently attacked their superior officers , severely assaulting the unit commander in the process .
5 I used the PCW version and found little at fault , except , that the limitations imposed upon it by the hardware made it slow to operate .
6 Central administration has been continually adapting itself to the new demands made upon it by the creation of services .
7 Should we look to it for a pool of inventive talent that actively embodied novelty in its products , and thereby provided pressure for technical change among its customers ; or rather , for provision of engineering skills that responded passively to the demands made upon it by the inventiveness of its clients consumer industries and civil engineers ?
8 The actress had been venomous when she 'd chanced upon them in the corridor , but she 'd displayed the spitefulness of a disappointed woman , not a wronged one .
9 The Statue of the Etook Ha'chllt he 'd bartered for in a little town called Slew , which was now , regrettably , a blasted spot , its citizens the victims of a purge visited upon them for the crime of a song , written in the dialect of their community , suggesting that the Autarch of Yzordderrex lacked testicles .
10 And who would have thought that as we face the 1990s the social and moral habits of the 1960s should be visited upon us in the guise of AIDS , which threatens to sweep across the world with all the terror and destruction of the black plague in the Middle Ages ?
11 Those forces that make agencies fail to generate change also make them slow to respond to changes that are thrust upon them from the outside .
12 As a first step you might refuse the plastic bags that are thrust upon you at the supermarket check-out and use boxes to carry home the food .
13 ‘ Staff numbers had doubled over the previous five to six years and a programme of change had been thrust upon us by the market , ’ explained .
14 The visit to the bank by the wife after undue influence had been exercised upon her by the husband was purely a matter of formality of signing the document which had been retained at the bank and which was done without any kind of advice in the presence of a junior member of the staff .
15 The trustee may at any time give notice to a secured creditor that he proposes at the end of twenty-eight days to redeem the security at the value placed upon it by the creditor in his proof .
16 If a customer 's circumstances change adversely for reasons beyond the customer 's control , the finance company will look sympathetically at the circumstances and will try , subject to any restrictions placed upon it by the Consumer Credit Act 1974 , to reach an accommodation with the customer to pay off the outstanding balance in a practicable manner .
17 Propped up in bed to ease her breathing , her nightcap pulled down over her ears , Aunt Sarah seemed to have shrunk inside the shawls which had been heaped upon her against the chill of the room .
18 It seems to me that all of us in this chamber have at one time or another , wanted to actually spend money erm it comes programme of committees , I do n't think it 's behoved upon me at the moment to transgress on what programme committees are actually er but to predict exactly where they will want their expenditure to go but I do know is that there is a huge backlog of member generated aspirations in terms of the environmental improvements , traffic calming facilities , particulary which I suspect were actually generated mildly in excess of the figures which we have before us tonight which is why we clearly leave open that further bids against capital can be made in the course of the next three years , erm which will be assessed against the overall financial position of the council and I think the council much more than that .
19 Half five in a morning , with the rain going down the back of your bleeding neck , the police set upon you by the owner and the manager , eh , that 'd liven 'em up .
20 As far as the authority of the board is concerned , it must carry out its functions according to the powers conferred upon it by the company 's articles .
21 First , there had to be a major subversive or espionage activity that was likely to injure the national interest , and secondly the material likely to be obtained by the interception had to be of direct use in compiling the information necessary for the security services to carry out the tasks laid upon them by the state .
22 If the description of integrated circuits given earlier is now considered , it can be seen that the requirements are met ; there are two or more layers ( usually three ) , one layer is made of a semiconducting material and a pattern is fixed upon it for the purpose of performing an electronic function .
23 The wind and rain swept upon us as the ferry , our fellow passengers and all associations with warmth , comfort and civilisation disappeared into the greyness .
24 At first sight this provision might seem to be a contradiction in terms , but some light is cast upon it by the Declaration appended at the end of the Single European Act , which , whatever its legal status may be , states that the conference considered that the provisions of Article 130R(5) ( 2 ) did not affect the principles resulting from the judgment handed down by the European Court in the ERTA case .
25 But the aforementioned medrese was bestowed upon him as the result of the letter of Ferhad Pasa . "
26 A congressman 's support for the president on a particular issue may not represent a straightforward quid pro quo ; it could well be a mark of his gratitude for favours bestowed upon him in the past .
27 He , as I am sure you know , is Ranger of Wychwood Forest , an office bestowed upon him by the monarch of this realm . ’
28 Ostensibly it was to prosper from a mono-poly of trade with Spanish America , which would be bestowed upon it by the government in return for taking over the entire £9 million worth of unsecured national debt .
29 Thus , in a colonial situation , subordinate peoples have a particular group identity forced upon them by the operation of power , rather than by some prior common features .
30 It must be understood that the brewers ' actions have not been forced upon them by the legislation .
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