Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [art] much longer [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The following cases were included in a much longer article entitled Fifty Millesimal Potencies — An Introduction which appeared in the November 1985 edition of The Hahnemannian Gleanings .
2 We 've got to look at it in those terms , and so it is not necessary in my submission for anyone to prove at the moment there is at least five thousand dwellings short , erm that that is something which ought to be considered over a much longer time period .
3 The phrase ‘ community participation ’ has been used for a much longer time .
4 The latter area is developing so rapidly , and sees so many new initiatives , that its shape is still relatively unclear and the techniques are still being refined ; but they are firmly based on the much longer experience gained through co-operation in the civil area .
5 We will only know the answer to this and many other questions when televising has continued for a much longer time .
6 I think that what we have to decide today , or one of the things that needs to be decided is , is the new settlement in the longer term a sensible answer given that all the all the various considerations , and that erm arguing about residual numbers , here or there has to be taken in the much longer context , I think that 's what all I would like the to say at the moment on on new settlement erm because of the situation I am in of not being able to er say too much in detail about it , I sha n't be making very many contributions to this particular debate .
7 The major difference appears to be that of timescale ; perfusion is spread over a much longer time scale than arterial infusion .
8 These were ‘ asymmetrical cyclical troughs ’ because recovery of output was spread over a much longer period than its initial loss , and because many factories closed for good in the second recession .
9 The circular changed and allowed that joint finance money to be paid over a much longer period and virtually in perpetuity .
10 ( Monday to Friday ) , giving a taste of the kind of stamina that will ultimately be required over a much longer period .
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