Example sentences of "[adv] affected by [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes I was so affected by a particular view or landscape that I 'd wait for the athletes to run into it before taking a photo .
2 A further reason is the size of the higher indexes ; they , too , will be very much affected by the key size .
3 But apart from this difference and the inevitable presence of the tractor on the marshes , the marsh way of life does not appear to have been greatly affected by the recent revolution in agriculture .
4 Work , at this level , becomes greatly affected by the new type of vertical integration which demands that knowledge workers manage or monitor their own activity to a much greater extent .
5 New Zealand 's relationship with Australia , its other ANZUS partner , was not greatly affected by the nuclear prohibition policy .
6 Although lacking the intrinsic relevance of " mouth area " ( used by Smith , 1981 , for winkles ) or of " apical angle " and " whorl ratio " ( employed by Kitching , 1976 ; 1977 ; Cambridge and Kitching , 1982 ) this ratio is less affected by the absolute size , thickness , age or condition of the shell and it is undeniably easier to record in the field .
7 The course of the Spanish Civil War was crucially affected by the Anglo-French adoption of , and adherence to , the policy of non-intervention , and the similar determination of US President Roosevelt to observe the strictest neutrality towards the Spanish struggle .
8 Amstrad reported an unexpectedly large loss before tax of £70.9m ( v £20.2m profit ) for the year to 30 June ; the figures were largely affected by the poor state of the PC market .
9 Andalucia was further affected by a third outbreak in two years of African equine fever at the end of July 1989 , which threatened the lives of large numbers of horses and raised doubts about equestrian events being held in Barcelona in the 1992 Olympics .
10 But if you are watching television you are likely to be much more affected by the knee-jerk emotion of the speech than by its political content .
11 New labourers came out , many from Ireland where pressure on land was unusually severe ; they came from southern Irish ports , so they could not have been directly affected by the English conquest and the Scottish settlement of Ulster at the beginning of the seventeenth century , but possibly Irish landlords felt that it no longer made sense to keep up private armies and turned men out of service for this reason .
12 Over in Italy , Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA is less directly affected by the abrupt change in status of all things IBM — it only markets Hitachi 's plug-compatible mainframes , but it has so many other problems that that is little compensation .
13 Rachmaninov , almost 30 when he completed his Chopin Variations , was by contrast more cautious , setting out to compose his first large-scale solo work for his own instrument ; and , although he already had the popular Second Concerto behind him , he had also been deeply affected by the disastrous première of his First Symphony , just four years earlier , under the erratic baton of the guttered Glazunov .
14 For example , it is now possible to produce cassava seedlings , the parental line of which is usually affected by a mosaic virus , by culturing unaffected cells that can be propagated in sterile conditions ( Tudge 1988 ) .
15 The multiple role of many detoxification enzymes would explain one of the curious features of chemical-sensitive patients — the fact that they are usually affected by a whole range of chemicals , not just one .
16 It was mentioned in Domesday Book , badly affected by the Black Death in 1350 , and depopulated in the fifteenth century .
17 The government 's financial planning had been badly affected by an economic crisis brought about by the slump in the world price of coffee — which accounted for 90 per cent of Rwanda 's export earnings — following the collapse of the International Coffee Agreement in July [ see pp. 36836 ] .
18 The figure represented the absolute minimum considered necessary by the government and the UN to provide basic food needs for 1,400,000 people worst affected by the civil war .
19 The areas worst affected by the minute-long earthquake and its aftershocks were the provinces of Gilan and Zanjan ; all of Gilan 's coastline was affected , and more than half the total casualties were in Zanjan , notably in Roudbar ( 6,000 dead and all buildings destroyed ) .
20 A large comprehensive school in an area little affected by a multi-faith presence could report colossal ignorance of the most elementary " facts " concerning Christianity .
21 He was little affected by the Civil War , changing sides when it suited him .
22 An alliance of northeastern domains led by Aizu had been forced to capitulate by the end of the year , and much of the country was little affected by the civil war .
23 There are also chapters on those areas most affected by the Seventh Directive : harmonisation , equivalence and mutual recognition .
24 The civil war between Renamo guerillas and the government in Mozambique also reflects this sense of deprivation — Renamo has been particularly strong amongst the Makonde of the north , who were most affected by the communal village programme of the 1970s .
25 If writers such as Greenberg had such effects on the generation of the 1960s , contemporary postmodernist artists and architects , as their critics have sorely lamented , have surely been similarly affected by the institutional mediation of poststructuralist theory .
26 Herbivores are , of course , also affected by the carnivory regime , weather , and other physical features , but , in the groups of plants that have survived the animal onslaught , there has been evolution of defensive features , both physical and chemical .
27 The FT-SE 100-Share Index was also affected by the poor trade figures and the persistent flow of rights issues , which turned a ten point initial improvement into a 13 point drop by early afternoon .
28 The design of farm buildings was also affected by the local building tradition .
29 Takeover offers are regulated primarily by the City Code but are also affected by the Yellow Book ( where the acquirer or the target company is listed on the London Stock Exchange ) the CA 1985 and the FSA .
30 Shares were also affected by the growing understanding that the Chancellor 's decision to defer the bulk of his tax increases until next year means there is less scope for him to reduce interest rates .
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