Example sentences of "[adv] seemed [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ She was out of the oxygen tent earlier- and her temperature was coming down with the antibiotics but then when she came to … she opened her eyes and suddenly seemed to go into a panic .
2 Their vision rarely seemed to extend beyond the size of their pay packets or of the tits in the vile papers they read .
3 There she was , wearing a mac , a crimplene frock over her body which just seemed to hang like a cheese from her shoulders , a little woolly hat and NHS specs , and the inevitable shopping bag .
4 As the great surge of modernism finally seemed to grind to a halt , artists and public were apparently offered two choices : either to celebrate postmodern confusion , or to turn back to older and more insular traditions .
5 Although Piers Place was the most beautiful house I had owned or ever would own , it always seemed to be in need of structural repairs , there was a large attic floor which we did n't need ourselves and yet were disinclined to furnish for renting out , and the traffic on the main road outside seemed to increase with every year .
6 Despite their attractive style , Luton always seemed to languish near the bottom .
7 But when it when a bill came up and it would take away the money that we 'd saved for Kelly 's new school uniform , so it always seemed to come in a rush and there was always something needed like you know .
8 The voice always seemed to come from the shadows or from somewhere just aside from where he was looking ; and usually the words did n't make any sense , and they passed through his mind so quickly that they 'd gone before he could reach for them .
9 And the smell , which at first had been tentative , elusive , no more than an alien tincture on the air , now seemed to seep into the passage with the strong effluvium of death .
10 Above the Griffon Gate a towering griffon five hundred feet high seemed to leap from the mountain .
11 She turned , then seemed to disappear behind the waterfall .
12 In a matter of seconds , nothing else seemed to matter save the urgency of their need for each other , not even the child they had created .
13 And most of them were blind , even the decent ones , for they never seemed to see below the skin .
14 The trouble was that the paper never seemed to get off the ground , which was typical of the Big Flame and ‘ Beyond the Fragments ’ approach .
15 Ana had no trouble with her mount ; to Maggie 's surprise she seemed to be an expert horsewoman and Mitch too seemed to take to the activity like a veteran .
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