Example sentences of "[adv] far as [pron] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I hope that in so far as we are achieving a consensus on care in the community , there is a general recognition that it will cost more and use more resources .
2 It is perhaps fortunate from our point of view that we can pin ourselves , in so far as we are talking about an inset , to the actual deposit copy of Ryedale District Council , when they did get the matter right , but no body apart from them , sir , did so .
3 I have the strategy in front on me but I it also the strategy also places the economy of the county in in that context in so far as we 're dealing with er the county of North Yorkshire is reliant upon some twenty five thousand small businesses employing twenty five people or less and has only forty one firms serving one local market employing over three hundred people .
4 I do n't think that er , I think that unfortunately some of the older doctors definitely were misinformed and were n't educated and I think nowadays that the doctors are becoming very much more educated and perhaps the ones who have the bad time are the fortunate ones in so far as they 're getting the hormone replacement therapy if they 're lucky and they have sympathetic general practitioner .
5 Polar adaptations of a few species , so far as they are recognized , are discussed in Chapter 6 .
6 Secondly , it is arguable that most other theories , e.g. those based on semantic components , can be subsumed within it , in so far as they are built on consistent and logical lines .
7 The smaller nations get short shrift on somewhat different grounds : in so far as they are affected by general trends , their history recapitulates that of the major states .
8 In so far as they are based upon analogy with the position of courts of law which are not under any such general duty , this reasoning is being undermined as the judiciary increasingly require some statement of reasons within judgments .
9 There are of course many aspects of language usage that depend on these relations ( see e.g. Brown & Levinson , 1978 , 1979 ) , but these usages are only relevant to the topic of social deixis in so far as they are grammaticalized Obvious examples of such grammaticalizations are " polite " pronouns and titles of address , but there are many other manifestations of social deixis ( see Brown & Levinson , 1978 : 183-92 , 281-5 ; Levinson , 1977 , 1979b ) .
10 As such it certainly extends to local — and , as I think , also statutory bodies in so far as they are exercising autonomous rule .
11 The Evangelical party will perhaps continue to exalt their hero as partially as parties always do — but the members of it will act thus only so far as they are possessed by party spirit , rather than by the pure spirit of the doctrines which they hold in common with their so-called Catholic opponents , whom adversaries style popish .
12 From inside that belief system the responses that are made to overload and pressure will seem , in so far as they are considered consciously , to be sensible , vital or even inevitable .
13 This Fact Sheet will be followed by a series of Briefing Papers for MPs , which will go beyond the facts to a description of the types of arguments that have been employed by researchers to study the causes of unemployment , including the possible effects so far as they are known of various remedies that have been proposed .
14 This can be seen in the example of river action : in climates with rain at all seasons erosion and deposition are almost continuous except in so far as they are varied by floods ; in areas marginal to ice sheets the short periods of summer thaw , which result in enormous increases in the discharge of meltwater streams issuing from the ice , are the significant ones ; in deserts it may well be that the isolated rainfall , occurring perhaps once every five or ten years , is of greater significance than anything else .
15 In the case of bodies other than courts , in so far as they are required to apply the law they are required to apply the law correctly .
16 Besides , even those who argue that the answer to women 's dependency/op-pression in the home is for them to take outside jobs ( as if the sort of jobs open to most women were in any way more congenial and less exploitative than housework , except in so far as they are paid ) and put their children into publicly funded day-care centres , must surely allow that some women ( as well as men , of course ) would choose freely to look after children , otherwise how are the centres to be staffed ?
17 The better opinion is that the pre-1926 priorities of the legal over the equitable estate , and of the earlier in time over the later , still apply , except in so far as they are abrogated by the provisions of the 1925 legislation .
18 Their Lordships abstain from detailed discussions of these questions , in so far as they were developed in argument , for that would lead the Board to fall into precisely the errors against which Griffiths L.J .
19 Would-be ambassadors thus continued to be trained , in so far as they were trained at all , by the time-honoured method of acting as secretaries to older and more experienced diplomats , or by being attached in some subordinate capacity to one of their country 's embassies abroad .
20 In so far as they were looking forward , it was with a much more gradual pace of development in mind .
21 The Court of Appeal held that those transactions were valid so far as they were entered into for the purposes of interest rate risk management and not for trading purposes .
22 ‘ 37(1) Any notice , demand or order against which an appeal might be brought to a county court under this Part of this Act shall , if no such appeal is brought , become operative on the expiration of 21 days from the date of the service of the notice , demand or order , and shall be final and conclusive as to any matters which could have been raised on such an appeal , and any such notice , demand or order against which an appeal is brought shall , if and so far as it is confirmed by a county court judge , or the Court of Appeal , become operative as from the date of the final determination of the appeal .
23 The localized system of medico-pedagogical influence on a child , in so far as it is differentiated in an institution for social education , ought to prevail to the extent that it is in accordance with the natural needs of the child and to the extent that it opens creative prospects for the development of the given structure — biological , social , and economic .
24 The mother through her counsel has sought to support the decision of the justices except in so far as it is conceded that the prohibited steps order in relation to the two adults was wrong , and likewise although in the court below the guardian ad litem had reluctantly supported the interim care order , the guardian ad litem today seeks to uphold the justices ' decision .
25 The discussion is more neutral only in so far as it is assumed that the curriculum ( such a global phenomenon ) is no-one 's responsibility in particular , and clearly this is so in an individual sense — but it is however the responsibility of the profession to take a leading role in this area and at the moment it is not fulfilling this role .
26 Yet , even defined in these terms , the existence of a constitution , in so far as it is observed , serves to limit power .
27 It is for the national court to interpret and apply the legislation adopted for the implementation of the directive in conformity with the requirements of Community law , in so far as it is given discretion to do so under national law . ’
28 It must therefore be recognised that a court which has jurisdiction under article 5(3) over an action in so far as it is based on tort or delict does not have jurisdiction over that action in so far as it is not so based .
29 The law applicable to a contract by virtue of articles 3 to 6 and 12 of this Convention shall govern in particular : ( a ) interpretation ; ( b ) performance ; ( c ) within the limits of the powers conferred on the court by its procedural law , the consequences of breach , including the assessment of damages in so far as it is governed by rules of law ; ( d ) the various ways of extinguishing obligations , and prescription and limitations of actions ; ( e ) the consequences of nullity of the contract .
30 From September 1990 parents , and in some cases the pupils themselves , have a right to see the record in so far as it is made after 31 August 1989 .
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