Example sentences of "[adv] be able [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The reasoning behind it being that she would not be able to come to terms with the notion of her mother being dead , so by removing her from the place where the tragedy had occurred and allowing enough time to pass , she would better be able to come to terms with her loss .
2 No special LIFESPAN privileges are required to use this option , but you will only be able to respond to task mail which is outstanding for you .
3 ‘ If we did not , we would lose all continuity with our past , would only be able to live from moment to moment like butterflies alighting and flitting away , and no relationship or experience could have any permanent value for us .
4 If you are working , then you may only be able to help at weekends .
5 The two countries now have the right to dump such material after 2007 , but they have undertaken to give serious consideration to finding land-based alternatives in the meantime and will only be able to dump after consultation with the other signatory states and in accordance with the " no-harm " principle .
6 Lawyer Mark Scoggins advises some of our biggest insurance companies on workplace liabilities , he believes workers could soon be able to sue for stress damage , costing British firms and their insurers , millions .
7 You 'll soon be able to walk down Bond Street without spotting a single varicose vein or mottled thigh .
8 ‘ I think I might just be able to totter from chair to chair , ’ she said , smiling sweetly at him .
9 This method would mean prevention of development which was definitely unsound upon recognised objective standards , and the community would still be able to engage in amenity planning under the salutary control of paying for any economic value destroyed .
10 Should the flowers there be lost our hearts will still be able to dance with daffodils in Farndale .
11 Anybody who earns between £12 and £43 in a given week may still be able to qualify for unemployment benefit on the days they are not working .
12 Anybody who earns between £12 and £43 in a given week may still be able to qualify for unemployment benefit on the days they are not working .
13 Anybody who earns between £12 and £43 in a given week may still be able to qualify for unemployment benefit on the days they are not working .
14 ‘ This is the last thing we will ever be able to do for Sophie , and it 's important to us to do it right , ’ Mr Leeder said .
15 Although if the security declines in value the borrower may possibly be able to elect to hand it over to the lender and thus avoid any further liability in respect of the debt , such an eventuality would be unusual , and therefore should not be reflected in the accounting until such time as the asset is transferred .
16 Edinburgh , Scotland-based 3L Ltd intends to convert its parallel C compiler technology for Digital Equipment Corp 's Alpha AXP processor architecture : Parallel C/AXP will enable developers to create parallel processing software for board and system level Alpha hardware from both DEC and OEM manufacturers ; it will be targeted both at systems integrators building top-end embedded systems , and the personal supercomputer market ; existing 3L parallel C users will also be able to migrate to Alpha systems by simply recompiling applications .
17 Existing 3L parallel C users will also be able to migrate to Alpha systems by simply recompiling applications .
18 You may also be able to sue for damages if your employer , past or present , fails to take care to ensure that his comments are based on correct information .
19 They should also be able to call on information technology , in the form of good computers , software , presentational aids , and communication facilities .
20 Visitors will also be able to singalong with Radio 2 , mix a symphony with Radio 3 , and be a sports commentator with Radio 5 .
21 A small Class Library is available at all times to our postgraduate students , who will also be able to refer to East Asian materials in Western languages in the National Library of Scotland and Edinburgh Central Library .
22 Companies will also be able to ascertain from purchasers of shares before they become members ( such as purchasers of shares by instalments in a privatisation issue ) whether or not they will want to receive summary financial statements .
23 As well as DCE , Novell Inc NetWare and Open Systems Interconnection products will also be able to run under Solaris 2.0 using the services .
24 Never mind , you 'll probably be able to try for breach of promise .
25 The yeast would be manipulated to express the gene and to manufacture the enzyme in large quantities , and eventually be able to thrive on hexachlorobenzene and other offending compounds .
26 Many may eventually be able to work from home rather than commute to an office .
27 For if a holder thinks that the buyers will really be able to get at 36s. all that they care to take at that price , he will be unwilling to let slip past him any offer that is well above that price .
28 She says it 's peculiar nowadays to go to a single sex establishment and she 's glad that men will now be able to go to Somerville
29 All EC students will now be able to compete for polytechnic and university places , and for money from local education authorities , on the same basis as British nationals .
30 He he 's arguing I think on a basis of , of the experience of the past few years that the situation now in China was a , was a rather variable one , that land reform had proceeded at different rates in different areas and because areas where different that had to be taken into account and Mao explicitly was going back to the idea that in the newly liberated areas the policy would be one of rent reduction , interest rate reduction and that rent and interest rate reduction had to be established for some time until the position had consolidated around rent reduction , around interest rate reduction and once that had happened you would then be able to go into land reform itself .
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