Example sentences of "[adv] be explained by the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The extinction of left ear responses in the dichotic listening performance of split-brain subjects can thus be explained by the fact that material in the right hemisphere can not reach the speaking left hemisphere unless the anterior two thirds of the callosum ( Springer and Gazzaniga , 1975 ; Hécaen , Gosnave , Vedrenne and Szikla , 1978 ) and/or , in some patients , the anterior commissure , ( Risse , Le Doux , Springer , Wilson and Gazzaniga , 1978 ) is intact .
2 Reagan was supported by an exceptionally talented staff in his first term and it might be said that his legislative triumphs can best be explained by the quality of the team around him .
3 In our study bone densities were not uniformly low at all sites , and fractures can not easily be explained by the use of steroids or disease activity .
4 The character on stage , for reasons which may possibly be explained by the insertion of a line or two into the script , wears a deaf-aid … ’
5 A better prognosis for recovery among sinistrals than among dextrals ( Subirana , 1958 ; Zangwill , 1960 ; Luria , 1970 ; Hécaen and Sauguet , 1971 ) can also be explained by the view that language is bilaterally , though not necessarily equally , represented in the two hemispheres of left handers .
6 This understanding of the role of education can partly be explained by the experience of the literacy campaign which was carried out throughout Nicaragua shortly after the revolution .
7 The net downgrading can partly be explained by the increase in monitoring by the NRA .
8 The reduced responsiveness of gall bladder muscle to CCK by such an exogenous source of NO can probably be explained by the accumulation of cGMP in the gall bladder smooth muscle induced by NO .
9 ( 1984 ) suggest that the mixed results obtained in recognition experiments can often be explained by the fact that researchers have concentrated on the effects of schemas on numbers of hits and false alarms in different conditions .
10 This can now be explained by the fact that H pylori causes a selective increase in G17 , which is the form of hormone which rises most with eating .
11 As our knowledge of both ancient and modern mountain belts has developed , it has become increasingly evident that not all the complexities observed can simply be explained by the collision of large continental blocks .
12 Kuenen ( 1 950 ) has also pointed to two features which can not readily be explained by the subsidence theory .
13 The use of the bare infinitive after have in its " passive experience " sense can therefore be explained by the absence of a before/after relation between the passive experiencing ( denoted by have ) and the event which is experienced ( expressed by the infinitive ) .
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