Example sentences of "[adv] and [pron] put [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They gave me food with stones and yak dung , but it was still not enough and they put it in a urine container .
2 really answer the first part of the Noble Lord 's question by saying that er er it is a question of future cost , er we are er we are already spending a great deal of money on the first part er of this er library and er we will have to examine the future cost very carefully and I put it to you to the Noble Lord that it would be a really sad reflection where the field of creative endeavour in which this country is m has most excelled over the centuries , in other words literature to have no single focus for celebration , preservation and active use , it really is er very important that this library continues , but may I remind Your Lordships also that we 're not talking about the s the library in this question , we 're talking about the u the site at present used by the builders .
3 Well you were just talking about children erm my feeling is that we 're all children , there is no division between being a child and an adult and I think that they can accept a whole lot , but there 's a whole lot of adults that ca n't accept the shocks that are happening today and they put them into their subconscious and unfortunately it comes out in so many other ways — it comes over as a neurosis or as a mental disorder at some later date .
4 So I started there and they put me on a month 's trial and I dithered about about this month , whether I was good enough , and they 'd forgotten all about it , by the end of month , trial .
5 My hands are shaking again and I put them between my legs .
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