Example sentences of "[adv] express [pron] [noun sg] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Choosing to turn a blind eye to the unlikely drama that was unfolding a few feet in front of her , she merely expressed her gratitude for the imitation topaz bangle that she 'd just unwrapped , before turning on her heels and heading downstairs to catch the special seasonal episode of Crossroads .
2 ‘ I can only express our sympathy for the lady and I will bring this to my manager 's attention .
3 But it had a promenade deck , like the Hindenburg , and carried its passengers in considerable luxury even allowing for the natural exaggeration of the Imperial Airways Gazette : ‘ passengers making air journeys in the new Empire type flying boats of Imperial Airways not only express their admiration for the speed and quietness in flight of these air liners , and for the spaciousness of their saloons , but they also pay warm tributes to the efficiency of their catering arrangement ’ .
4 Nigel Short , who is taking a break in Greece , has already expressed his support for the contest 's being held in Manchester .
5 Two centuries after Hale 's pronouncement , Pollock B. unequivocally expressed his support for the marital rape exemption in similar terms .
6 But he also expressed his concern for the future of Scottish athletics : ‘ It 's pathetic really — there 's no second tier of world class athletes after Tom , Yvonne , Liz ( McColgan ) and Tom Hanlon .
7 ANDES 21 de junio ( Asociacion Nacional de Educadores Salvadorenos ) is a founder member of the BPR and openly expresses its support for the FDR-FMLN , while both the state and the Catholic universities have been consistent critics of the lack of democratic and civil liberties and have argued cogently for the need for social and economic reforms .
8 Having openly expressed his dissatisfaction for the present lacklustre state of guitar music , does n't Alex seem suprised that young people still look towards the guitar for their musical kicks ?
9 The foundation simply expressed its preference for a publisher , she says , with no talk of a quid pro quo .
10 After the election the new government in November 1990 again expressed its support for the ban and confirmed that it remained in place .
11 The ASB , however , has previously expressed its unwillingness for the OFR to be audited .
12 De Gaulle had publicly expressed his preference for a " yes-yes " vote ( i.e. yes to a new constitution and yes to limitations on the prerogatives of the Constituent Assembly ) .
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