Example sentences of "[adv] when [pron] saw the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They were all crossing together when they saw the skid , the boy on the motorbike , out of control and ploughing towards the sedate black Morris Minor .
2 Only when she saw the outline of a man 's head in a peaked cap sitting in the driver 's seat was the mystery explained .
3 ‘ He said , ‘ I was dying for a pint so when I saw the pub I decided to land and come in . ’ ‘
4 Luther looked deep into the boy 's eyes and smiled wickedly when he saw the truth lurking there .
5 Her voice died away when she saw the strain on Jenna 's face and she came round the bed , her eyes racing over Jenna 's pale face .
6 Peeping up at him , she just as quickly looked away when she saw the devilry in his eyes .
7 Anyway when I saw the fire
8 She checked only momentarily when she saw the chaos in the room .
9 Troy stood completely still when he saw the mother and baby .
10 They had spilled halfway across the road , and although most of them shuffled quickly aside when they saw the car approaching , four boys gathered themselves quickly into a group and remained standing defiantly in its path .
11 I sat there a long time , bored , with a cold bottom , and I was about to open the pub door to tell him I was going home when I saw the organ grinder trundling his barrel-organ down the street .
12 He looked round sharply then exhaled deeply when he saw the man 's face peering in at him .
13 She inhaled sharply when she saw the figure there .
14 Linnet had attended the wedding , of course , looking exquisite in dove-grey velvet with a swansdown hat and muff , her face calm and remote , betraying not the least flicker of anything which anyone could call unbecoming , even when she saw the bride , thin as a stick and hideously sallow , led to the altar dripping pearls and diamonds and a London-made gown with a train half a cathedral-aisle long .
15 Sometimes the German fighters followed the bombers back to their bases , and then when they saw the flare path light up for a few brief moments to guide the homecoming aircraft down , they would open up with their guns .
16 Her hand reached up to smooth her already immaculate hair before she let it drop abruptly when she saw the amusement on his face .
17 He swore softly when he saw the fear flash in her eyes .
18 Yet when I saw the city , from the top of a sun-blasted ridge , I wondered if the farmland was n't preferable .
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