Example sentences of "[adv] see [prep] [art] threat [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Girls were alleged to have tendencies towards ‘ flirtation ’ , and were usually seen as a threat to the healthy development of the boy .
2 Not only was ‘ Dositejism ’ denounced by Metropolitan Stratimirović because of its anticlericalism , its suspected ‘ Protestantism ’ and its attachment to an alien western culture , but it was also seen as a threat to the language .
3 The reduction of imports of Soviet fertilizer was also seen as a threat to grain production , one of Vietnam 's major successes in recent years .
4 Urban life 's now seen as a threat to our vulnerable individuality : the jungle of the ghetto , the ‘ urban hell ’ that rap music talks about , becomes a paradigm for all of us .
5 Yet in the first half of the century the number of unmarried women increased substantially , so that they formed a significant minority group Spinsters maintained an anomalous social position and were often seen as a threat to a society that assumed all women would marry and be subject to the control of their husbands [ Hill , 229–30 ] .
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