Example sentences of "[adv] as possible [to-vb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Ministry of propaganda did what it could to play down such disasters and tried for as long as possible to preserve the illusion that they were not important , but Fascism now began to lose a lot of its popular support .
2 Serve as soon as possible to retain the flavour .
3 Cohen had meanwhile made a surprise afternoon announcement to the press in London that the US government was " recommending that the forces of the EPRDF enter the city as soon as possible to stabilize the situation " .
4 ‘ Mr [ Ian ] Lang has this issue very much under consideration and will bring forward regulations as soon as possible to make the fitting of wired-in smoke detectors compulsory in all new dwellings which are built . ’
5 Signed by representatives of the rail companies , the Ministry of Law and Order , the ANC , the transport workers ' trade union and various community organizations , it included an agreement that the police would redeploy personnel as soon as possible to cover the train network ; working groups were established to investigate issues such as the installation of closed-circuit cameras in train coaches and the implementation of screening systems at stations .
6 As well as agreeing the proposed restructure and gradings the Committee agreed the recommendation that ‘ a meeting between NALGO , DOMIS and HIGHWAYS DEPARTMENT 's management be initiated as soon as possible to investigate the possibility of consolidating the New Technology payment for existing staff within the Division . ’
7 Our business concluded it was decided we should go to Jeddah as quickly as possible to visit the Hospital .
8 I 've always wanted to get as stoned as quickly as possible to enjoy the evening at the end of a working day .
9 But if phonemic competitors are included , some means of resolving the phonemes identity and filtering out improbable words must be applied as quickly as possible to stop the proliferation of word strings .
10 In the case of a severe burn , that is one that is larger than an inch in diameter , the rule is the same : cool first , cover later , and in this instance start to cool as quickly as possible to prevent the burn spreading into the surrounding tissue .
11 It is important to assist the patient to change position regularly while in bed and to encourage ambulation as quickly as possible to assist the circulation .
12 I wanted as far as possible to forearm the boy at the beginning of adolescence — not ramming a weapon into his hand willy-nilly , but showing him the size and shape of it and where it lies in such a way that he would take it up without realizing he was doing so and find himself using it when he needed to .
13 We try as far as possible to relate the work we do in the Technical Department to what goes on in industry and commerce .
14 In our first Report we tried as far as possible to avoid the word ‘ grammar ’ , and to explain how important it was for children to use linguistic terminology .
15 What you need to do is to involve people so they know what has to be done and plan it as far ahead as possible to minimise the impact .
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