Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] form [prep] social [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This was not a time to cut back the resources of the department which deals with the most acute form of social need , but a time to expand , provide more personnel , more finance , and more expertise .
2 Castells 's new definition of the ‘ urban ’ was therefore dedicated to understanding this new , complex and highly visible form of social conflict .
3 Since the downfall of military regimes in South America and elsewhere provide clear evidence that no political structure relying solely on coercion can hope to survive for long , we should not be surprised to find that the most effective form of social control involves attempts not to crush opposition but to stop it arising in the first place : that is , by the control of people 's ideas , rather than of their actions .
4 Paradoxically , the more the middle class increased and flourished , diverting resources towards its own housing , offices , the department stores which were so characteristic a development of the era , and its prestige buildings , the less went relatively to the working-class quarters , except in the most general form of social expenditure streets , sanitation , lighting and public utilities .
5 Adult cats occasionally groom one another , but the most common form of social grooming is the licking of kittens by their mother .
6 Social work 's function constitutes a relatively coercive form of social control , supporting the role of the family , the work ethic , and obedience to the law .
7 However , direct coercive sanctions require continuous effort , and may in fact be a rather brittle form of social control , so we should not expect dominant groups in different societies to rely wholly and simply on such crude means of retaining their power and privilege , especially where their position has long been entrenched .
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