Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] a [adj] amount [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One coach only needs a small amount of work to restore it to its original condition , but the other requires extensive work .
2 The most informative is undoubtedly that caused by Gundovald 's claim to the throne , since Gregory of Tours not only allocates a considerable amount of space to the rebellion itself , but also provides evidence in the ensuing books of the Histories which illuminates the nature of the " pretender's ' following .
3 As the moisture content of the wood in an unheated structure may be around 15 per cent , it only requires a small amount of damp in an unventilated corner to get the rot going .
4 A normal two page A4 fax can demand up to 200k and it only requires a moderate amount of activity before faxes are stretching the memory requirements of any system to the limits .
5 The living system thus contains a constant amount of C. When a plant dies it absorbs no more C and that already present begins to decay .
6 THE air around us always contains a certain amount of moisture — a lot on a humid summer 's day , less on a clear winter one .
7 The New Year always brings a certain amount of relief after the exhausting overdose of social events during Christmas .
8 Our brain not only turns the image the right way up , but also adds a considerable amount of detail .
9 Yes , fine ! you know there are very easy ways of recording that in terms of written down information … in my worst moments , particularly when I 'm talking about ‘ A ’ level , I 've had enough … it 's such an incredibly inefficient and crude method , and also wastes a tremendous amount of potential .
10 It also reduces a certain amount of heat loss , as well as cutting down traffic noise .
11 It also necessitates a certain amount of trial-and-error , but flight sim aficionados are sure to love it .
12 Yes Chairman , the figure of a hundred thousand as we said did , was erm a figure quoted on by account chief 's executive of the purchasing consortium erm , that was spoken at a public meeting held here in Harlow last week erm the issue of the the transport around the area erm , was accepted by the the chief executive of the health authority erm or of that of the consortium erm , and the and the view that it would be much more difficult with the lack of public transport to get to the more relo , remote areas of Essex the the reason that the erm reduced use of London was put into this report was also erm , clearly stated by the chief executive , i it 's their clear aim to provide more of , to purchase more of the services from within the north Essex area , and that was stated in a major part of the conta , of of their erm achievements and that automatically means a reduced amount of choice for those people who would otherwise for , to London .
13 Co-ordination also implies a certain amount of standardization .
14 This stage also provides a small amount of filtering .
15 This inevitably produces a certain amount of fan noise which may give problems with sound recording .
16 In some cities a relative plethora of doctors and rapid urbanisation have led to a boom in private medical practice , which now provides a substantial amount of curative care for the inhabitants , including the poor ( p 673 ) .
17 Tolerates or even prefers a small amount of salt in the water .
18 Since Bains an increasing amount of chief officers ' time has been devoted to liaison with other departmental heads to formulate corporate strategies .
19 But very often I think tabloid journalism is interesting in terms of language because it 's very punchy it 's succinct because i i in some of our terms you might find people into a three minute reader and a thirty minute reader because in attention span and intellectual capacity are quite different but to actually condense something into meaningful short bursts , even if they are politically biased actually requires a certain amount of skill I would suspect the clarity index which I ca n't find is the process that I mentioned the other night where you take erm some people call it the fog index a correct me if I 'm wrong in my figures , but I think it 's a piece of something like two hundred or three hundred words you count the number of suc erm colons and full stops or is it only full stops ?
20 The Profitboss therefore puts an immense amount of work into determining his final position prior to the negotiation .
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