Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] a [adj] range of " in BNC.

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1 Social life obviously encompasses a vast range of activities and beliefs and is of bewildering complexity .
2 For example , the private sector at present only provides a limited range of services and therefore no one would be able to opt out entirely from the NHS .
3 Tool using thus covers a broad range of activities throughout the animal kingdom , from the mindless and mechanical to the considered and imaginative .
4 There already exists a growing range of opportunities for professional development and members ( or potential members ) would be well advised to maintain a log of their achievements , which could be used in support of job applications or when seeking transfer to another category of membership .
5 It is possible to devise a scheme representing ( maybe , caricaturing ) various institutional structures ; an example is given in table 3.1.1 This deliberately covers a broad range of six types of structure , across five different possible constraints , in summary form .
6 Eutrophic flushed peat is flushed by seepage waters rich in mineral plant-nutrients and usually supports a wide range of plant species , including reeds , tall sedges and flush alderwood where not reclaimed .
7 Apart from the support groups that CRUSE runs , it also produces a large range of literature about the problems of bereavement and it provides practical help in dealing with paperwork and other matters that a bereaved person may never have dealt with before .
8 The Terrence Higgins Trust also offers a wide range of other services which are open to all gay men .
9 A fine souvenir shop also offers a wide range of medieval crafts and clothing to suit all outlaws ' tastes .
10 The assessment concentrates on minimising potential releases of chemicals to air , water and land , and also covers a wide range of factors such as noise , traffic , visual impact and other possible effects on the local community and landscape .
11 The obsessive compulsive neuroses such as obsessive washing and the various phobias will require medical assessment but may receive particular help from Emotions Anonymous , which also covers a whole range of other emotional disorders that may be significantly disturbing to the life of the sufferer and be beyond personal control .
12 IFN γ also has a wide range of immunomodulatory properties , including induction of class I and III histocompatibility antigens , Fc receptors , and adhesion molecules ; activation of macrophages , T lymphocytes , and NK cells ; stimulation of T and B lymphocyte proliferation ; and differentiation and induction of ther cytokines .
13 This chapter shows you how to care for such flowers before they are pressed , and also gives a whole range of ideas for sentimental flower pictures .
14 Tracy also sells a small range of maternity wear produced by local designer Jill Williams .
15 But , says ocean voyages manager John Alton , it also sells an extensive range of mainstream travel services .
16 This was mainly because of the multi-functional nature of a College , which , in addition to the many activities associated directly with course provision and support , also provides a full range of student services .
17 This often involves a whole range of elaborate deceptions .
18 The Communist Party now contains an extraordinary range of opinion , from old believers to reformers who are closer in outlook to middle-of-the-road democrats than to their hardline comrades .
19 However , it now has a reasonable range of productivity software ( word processors , databases , etc ) , and in specialised areas — colour graphics , desktop video — it is well ahead .
20 As a result , what is often loosely referred to as the ‘ environmental movement ’ or ‘ the environmental lobby ’ now encompasses an enormous range of groups from anarchic ‘ eco-freaks ’ to establishment institutions like the Countryside Commission and from small , parochial amenity societies to multi-national pressure groups like Friends of the Earth .
21 Historical literacy today encompasses a wide range of skills as well as the acquisition of and understanding of knowledge .
22 While this survey has been concerned with public libraries , co-operation potentially encompasses a wide range of institutions , and an INSET network that concerned itself with training across the whole spectrum of librarianship would be of maximum value .
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