Example sentences of "[adv] [be] found [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 An aeroplane taking 22 men of the Special Air Service Regiment in June 1944 to be dropped behind the German lines to join the Maquis was recalled on account of bad weather , crashed somewhere in the wooded area near Dijon and no trace has since been found of the plane and its company .
2 A bourgeoisie on the European pattern , distinct in outlook from the oligarchy that controlled the municipal government and the guilds , could only be found in the merchants and shippers of the great ports .
3 The French chef from Montreal was not there , I soon discovered , because he was a she , and could only be found in the women 's changing room .
4 The reason can perhaps be found in the fact that company law as an academic discipline boasts no long and distinguished pedigree .
5 A home has finally been found for the horse John Major was given as a birthday present eight months ago .
6 They have generally been found by the chance of fieldwork and aerial reconnaissance and many are awaiting discovery ; when they are studied in detail they are often found to be much larger than thought at first , covering areas , in some cases , of over 100 acres .
7 When further research showed that other circles of almost six miles radius ( double that of Rennes-le-Chateau ) had already been found in the county Wiltshire and the midlands and were even more clearly marked by ancient building , I determined to investigate the phenomenon .
8 Evald08 , for example , contained over 63 million paths , but the utterance — You may wonder what happens to our boys and girls and the answer can best be found in the pages of the old boys and girls magazine — is 22 words long .
9 An important clue to this act of discrimination has always been found in the existence of regularities , especially where they make prediction possible .
10 In fact , almost every type of tree has a species of Eriophyes associated with it , and the galls they produce can usually be found on the leaves even after they have fallen .
11 When she 's not having a drink or tucking into a bag of crisps , the five month old badger cub can usually be found on the snooker table .
12 Among the earliest souvenirs to be hawked to the victorious Allied troops who marched into Beirut on 8 October 1917 was a horrific picture postcard , old copies of which can still be found in the antiquarian bookshop that sells the David Roberts lithographs on Makhoul Street .
13 Any piece of rotten meat that could still be found in the enclave was slipped over an improvised fish hook , attached to a rope and hurled over the parapet in the vain hope of catching a jackal or a pariah dog that might swallow it .
14 Frequently , the boundaries of the areas of land are described and these refer to topographical features which can sometimes still be found in the landscape .
15 I feel this is possibly not a good thing at this present time , when every spectrum of Rottweiler size , shape and type can still be found in the show ring : further expansions of the gene pool can only have a destructive effect .
16 Some of his inventions in the field of navigational instruments can still be found in the island .
17 Saxon remains could still be found among the buildings , there is a Saxon crypt to the church , and the setting is hauntingly beautiful .
18 When she was missing on the set , she could always be found in the stars ' dressing-rooms .
19 As we have seen , the power vested in the state is justified by a system of democratic government ; and the assurance that the state 's power is subject to constraints which prevent it from being used arbitrarily is found in the adherence to the ideal of the Rule of Law .
20 It has also been found in the South Atlantic , off Patagonia ( 4929 m .
21 After the mollusc has been ingested by the dog the infective L3 , freed by digestion , travel to the lymph nodes adjacent to the alimentary tract , where both parasitic moults take place , and then to the vascular predilection site " L5 have also been found in the liver .
22 Nicotine has also been found in the breast milk of mothers who smoke , although the effect on the baby is not yet fully understood .
23 It has also been found in the rat that intestinal absorption rates of N-acetyl derivatives are much slower than those of the parent drug .
24 However , for ease of administration the production number is no longer used , and commencing with 358 the constructor 's number can also be found on the tailplane , i.e. SU-AZJ is inscribed " Fan Jet Falcon No 358 " .
25 The wings are of flamed maple with two layers of walnut , separated from the central body section by ebony , itself edged by fine multi-coloured veneering , which can also be found under the fretboard and headstock facing .
26 Once an interaction has been found in one of the effects in a table such as figure 13.10 , it will also be found in the other .
27 Other items on motorway-induced development can also be found in the sections on retail , high tech and housing development .
28 An easy and neat example of assent can also be found in the case of a purchase of petrol at a garage .
29 This undertaking can also be found in the case of a contract of supply ( s3(1) of SGSA 1982 ) , and also in the case of a bailment ( s8(1) , ( 2 ) of SGSA 1982 ) as well as a hire purchase arrangement ( s9(1) of SOGIT 1973 as substituted by the CCA 1974 ) .
30 But it can also be found in the writings of Defoe , who favoured high wages as a stimulant for home demand .
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