Example sentences of "[adv] [be] associate with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The one at Marham in Norfolk incorporates a World War One aeroplane of unspecified type and that at Upwood the Canberra which has for so long been associated with the RAF station .
2 Cocoa has long been associated with the Temperance societies and other groups who fought against the consumption of alcohol .
3 Mr Molyneaux has long been associated with the integrationist wing of his party , which feels that devolution for Northern Ireland would be too unstable , given the requirement for power-sharing between unionists and nationalists .
4 The Turners had long been associated with the ironmongery trade in Dublin .
5 One of the Tories who broke party and class ranks was Dame Janet Fookes , who has long been associated with the RSPCA .
6 These have long been associated with the arch-priest of uniformitarianism , Charles Lyell , who used them as the frontispiece of his great proselytising work " Principles of Geology " .
7 For firmness of purpose , surely , can only be associated with the missionary attachment to first principles which he has been energetically abandoning .
8 Differences arise virtually throughout the range of activities which would normally be associated with the practice of management accounting .
9 For MAS , whilst the disclaimer will state what we have and have not done , we may still be associated with the data if we are asked to present it to potential buyers or if our name is mentioned in the document .
10 The name of Richard Nixon will forever be associated with the Watergate scandal .
11 Nuremberg will forever be associated with the trials held here after the last war , which is a shame .
12 One family , that of Höchstetter , will always be associated with the venture .
13 I could n't work out whether it was a band playing it or a record but that tune will always be associated with the trip to Saltburn .
14 For him , Bridgnorth would always be associated with the antics of a ghost that obviously liked railway engines and would appear from time to time to warn of impending accidents .
15 JACK Lee , whose name will always be associated with the Midland School of Embalming , which he founded just after the war and from which he has trained many hundreds of embalmers the world over , has decided to take more of a ‘ back seat ’ and has handed over the principal 's chair to John Davis , although he will still be ‘ in the wings ’ as an advisory tutor .
16 How could he possibly be associated with the excesses of such a raggle-taggle outfit ?
17 Within Britain , the Libertarian Ideal has traditionally been associated with the press and the Public Service Ideal with broadcasting .
18 This is clearly a literary phenomenon , or rather an example of literacy at work in place of the semi-literacy that might naively be associated with the film industry ; people who had read one book by the author then sought out his earlier book , putting it too on the best-seller list .
19 The long-wave school tends to conduct analysis in terms of sectors , whilst the regulationists would focus on changes in the labour process which , while undoubtedly being associated with the growth of new sectors , may also transform existing ones .
20 The formation of siderite in organic-rich marine mudrocks has previously been associated with the degradation of organic matter by anaerobic , methanogenic bacteria .
21 The firm of Ross and Macdonald had recently been associated with the building of the Beaux-Arts station in Ottawa .
22 Of The Shadow-Line , a story still more autobiographical in its essence , Conrad said that he was aiming at ‘ the presentation of certain facts , which certainly were associated with the change from youth , care-free and fervent , to the more self-conscious and more poignant period of maturer life ’ .
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