Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] grounds [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 In the end , de Gaulle could only secure peace at the expense of a series of humiliating concessions to the FLN — concessions which could be justified only on the grounds that they averted the yet higher costs of not making them .
2 While it is true that by the turn of the century both middle and working class women were profoundly affected by the gospel of maternalism preached by the medical profession , imperialists and politicians , it is also possible to find examples of straightforward resistance to physicians both on the grounds that they encouraged middle class women to lead idle lives and that they posed a threat to female modesty .
3 Qualifications disqualify the person from being considered ( e.g. on the grounds that they will become easily bored or might become a trouble maker ) .
4 Critics it that time excluded authors inconvenient for their picture of a general return to tradition : Todd himself has little to say about authors such as B. S. Johnson and Christine Brooke-Rose , mostly on the grounds that they belong to a counter-cultural avant-garde never identified with the mainstream of British writing .
5 At the outset , five hypotheses were selected prospectively on the grounds that they were refutable within the context of the study design , that they were of relevance to current duodenal ulcer research , or that they were of potential importance for both ulcer healing and ulcer recurrence .
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