Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] first half of " in BNC.

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1 Domestic exports performed badly during the first half of 1990 , but growth in the re-export trade partly compensated .
2 Gael , who is not religious , holds only with the first half of the double limerick according to which existence depends on being the object of another 's perception .
3 In addition , the two-tier pricing system allowed US domestic industry to purchase oil well below world market prices ( some 40 per cent below in the first half of 1979 ) .
4 Bridget Hill has remarked that what constituted marriage among the eighteenth-century lower orders was " anything but clearly defined " , especially in the first half of the century before the passing of Hardwicke 's Marriage Act .
5 The " good years " of textile out-workers , for example , began before the war but lasted only over the first half of it .
6 Thus during the first half of this first term , students begin to develop their work as collectors and presenters of story and poetry material , and of becoming more expert in children 's fiction of every kind .
7 Already during the first half of the second millennium B.C. Minoan smiths were fabricating gold jewellery from metal most probably imported from Egypt .
8 Villages as well as towns expanded rapidly during the first half of the nineteenth century .
9 South Shields , St Helens and Birkenhead all shot up quickly during the first half of the nineteenth century .
10 This type of diabetes is diagnosed usually in the first half of life , exposing those affected to abnormal levels of blood glucose and other metabolites for decades .
11 However , Soviet trade with the West expanded rapidly in the first half of 1989 , showing a 9 per cent growth in volume , while imports grew by about 11 per cent .
12 The various government schemes designed to assist labour transfers ( Johnson and Salt , 1980 ) have traditionally made an extremely limited contribution to migration and were cut back further in the first half of the 1980s .
13 Now , he says he will keep the post until free elections are held , probably in the first half of the coming year .
14 The simultaneous process of relaxing autarchy and rapprochement with the western democracies moved very slowly in the first half of the 1950s .
15 It is perhaps easier to work with the Germans , whom Britain fought so bitterly in the first half of this century , than with the French or the Italians , whose active roles in the Second World War were prematurely curtailed .
16 Deliveries of Cuban sugar , which arrives mainly in the first half of the year , load the Soviet sugar factories ' productive capacities in the period when they are not processing sugar beet ( Kolodov : 1984 , p. 16 ) .
17 As Professor Deane has put it , there took place , mainly in the first half of the century , " a series of developments in the money market , an expansion in the number , range and efficiency of English financial institutions which amounted in all to a financial revolution " .
18 Corporate partnerships in engineering , electronics and computing , especially involving West Germany which accounted for 120 such partnerships , had increased sharply in the first half of 1990 .
19 There is no doubt that conditions in these towns , particularly in the first half of the nineteenth century , were dreadful but Professor Hoskins seems more anxious to apportion blame for this than to explain why it happened , which is perhaps more important .
20 The traditions and attitudes of the seventeenth century were also continued in the importance attached , particularly in the first half of this period , to questions of diplomatic precedence .
21 One of the most reputed single-site vineyards of this area is ‘ Le Leon ’ , named after Pope Leo the Magnificent , who drew supplies from here in the first half of the nineteenth century .
22 OMEGA products have performed well in the first half of the year achieving significant growth in volume compared with last year .
23 There during the first half of the century , as in other armies , notably that of France , regiments were in effect the property of their colonels .
24 Between 1713 and 1763 they paid little attention to the colonies in America , and at least for the first half of the period it was hard to see what else could have been done .
25 Not that she was destined to get any practice at such a mega-speed , since Downes , at least for the first half of the interview , was to enunciate his words with the slow deliberation of a stupefied zombie .
26 Canterbury beat CD twice in the first half of the competition , first by three wickets on a dubious pitch in the initial first-class match at Burnside Park , Christchurch .
27 The English had not taken any important part in this ; voyages from Bristol at the end of the fifteenth century had reached a few points in North America and had opened up cod fisheries off Newfoundland , and in the 1550s London merchants had used the northern searoutes to start trading with Russia , but most of the nation 's energies overseas in the first half of the sixteenth century had been devoted to the last and least rewarding of the attempts to conquer France .
28 Chalford suffered again during the first half of the 19th century .
29 Yet in the first half of the century the number of unmarried women increased substantially , so that they formed a significant minority group Spinsters maintained an anomalous social position and were often seen as a threat to a society that assumed all women would marry and be subject to the control of their husbands [ Hill , 229–30 ] .
30 Yet in the first half of the eighteenth century population growth was too slow to have had this effect .
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