Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] [adj] moment [conj] " in BNC.

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1 We should be all right for a few moments as it is deeper water ; we can then make for the beach , hopefully avoiding the big dumping surf . ’
2 The Threarah waited politely for a few moments and then he said , " Well , now , and what ought we to do about it , I wonder ?
3 Only for a brief moment while Merrill was changing her shoes did she know a fleeting reservation .
4 They rolled around on the ground together for a few moments and then the boy 's mother came out and gave him Sergeant 's leash .
5 Of 149 respondents , 18 subjects agreed firmly with the statement that " Dreams occur only in the few moments before you wake up " , and a further 23 thought this was perhaps true .
6 In the Hull survey one of the statements to which respondents were invited to agree was " Dreams occur only in the few moments before you wake up " ; 18 endorsed this statement , and 23 thought it was maybe true , out of 149 .
7 It was only at the last moment that the real or unreal nature of an escape project was finally determined .
8 He turned away for a few moments and I could see that he was upset by the news .
9 He chewed away for a few moments and then nodded with pleasure .
10 Innumerable country spires turn bronze amid newly ploughed fields of copper , just for a few moments before the ball disappears .
11 So just at the last moment as the ladder began to sweep that way I just pushed as er hard as I could in the air , and the wardrobe flew up into the air in that direction , the ladder flew off in that direction , I flew off in this direction
12 Tony sat quite still for a few moments and then parked his car on the wasteland at the side of the theatre .
13 She thought carefully for a few moments before she said , ‘ Silas — are n't you being unreasonable and somewhat unfair to both yourself and to Doreen ? ’
14 As the plane from London bounced along the runway at Ciampino airport , Nora congratulated herself on not having been sick , even during the bumpy moments as they flew over the Alps .
15 When a dog does start to show signs of becoming difficult about a visit to the surgery , you may want to arrange with your vet simply to walk up to the waiting room , pause here for a few moments and then return home .
16 Edward appeared to think hard for a few moments and then got up and left the room abruptly .
17 She watched in silence , her heart crying out to him , suddenly fearful that almost in the same moment that she 'd found him she had lost him , but without knowing why .
18 Almost at the same moment that Mary saw and recognised the car , the men in it saw and recognised her !
19 Because that was a politician 's I 'll play that trailer for the Sunday breakfast show again in a few moments and get you terribly excited .
20 But his mind had clouded over again at the wrong moment and now it was too late .
21 We should ask if it is product ( end ) or problem ( origin ) that should be seen as the generic base of what design is ' — not as a challenge to construct a dialectical , interactionist model of design activity , which takes each of these moments seriously as a necessary moment or characteristic of " what design is " , but as an affront to rationalism .
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