Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] themselves [prep] their [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 By the end of the evening I had come to feel sorry for the waiters who had so debased themselves by their participation in the comedy ; not because they were cheating the state , but because they never responded to anyone except as an object , a part of the system in which they were trapped .
2 The Lord Chancellor 's civil servants can , they say , only recruit judges from among advocates who have already distinguished themselves by their performance in court .
3 Big firms have long ago weaned themselves off their dependence on the banks who , in the 1960s and 1970s , supported them through thin times and thick .
4 However , Civic Union leaders , who included Vice-President Aleksandr Rutskoi and the increasingly influential leader of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs , Arkady Volsky , reportedly distanced themselves from their organization 's draft programme .
5 A few candidates may virtually eliminate themselves by their hesitancy and you can even consider refusing to continue the interview .
6 In an age when infantrymen and gunners almost prided themselves in their ignorance of each other 's function , Pétain , the St. Cyrien , had learnt more about the use of artillery than many gunners would ever know .
7 ‘ For long [ before the revolution of 1789 ] ’ , wrote a contemporary , ‘ the intendants , directed by public opinion , sought rather to distinguish themselves by their care for the people and by works of public utility , than by their obedience to ministerial wishes . ’
8 The Councils could never rid themselves of their reputation as just another manifestation of Political Dissent for the simple reason that the charge was essentially true .
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