Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [art] third [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Then John Gielgud opened in a Barrie play , but he had only got into the third act when the siren went .
2 ( This perhaps indicates that it was tactically inept in this case for the plaintiffs to seek to persuade the court that the whole package of information was confidential. ) 5 Whether additional protection should be afforded to an employer where the former employee is not seeking to earn his living by making use of the body of skill , knowledge and experience which he has acquired in the course of his career , but is merely selling to a third party information which he acquired in confidence in the course of his former employment Goulding J drew no such distinction .
3 The new line ranges from the 99/711 , 721 and 731 with one , two and three processors , available next quarter , through the dyadic and two-plus-one 822 and 832 for the fourth quarter to the 941 , with four processors in single image configuration , and the 99/982 doubled-up version of that , plus two-plus-two , three-plus-two , three-plus-three and four-plus-three variants , the 942 , 952 , 962 , 972 and 982 , all to ship in the third quarter .
4 In either case he does not run the risk of being left with the goods ; if he can not find a purchaser he can return them to X. The answer is that he is X 's agent if under the terms of his contract with X he has no right himself to buy the goods but can only sell to a third party , Weiner v. Harris ( 1910 C.A. ) .
5 They wanted finally to see off the third party ; predictably , they failed . )
6 Rushdie might only just qualify as a Third World novelist .
7 This is most easily done after the third cleavage which is at right angles to the first two , and so divides the embryo into four animal and four vegetal cells .
8 For all her action-seeking , caring cosmopolitanism , she is imperial-insular in outlook , and soon sees through the Third World .
9 He was just losing for the third time when Celia walked back in , Mitch behind her .
10 Roberts 's fifty included an over from Botham from which he hit twenty-four runs ( 462660 ) , a new Test record for a six-ball over , and Lloyd finally declared on the third morning at 426 for 9 .
11 The main independent candidate , Ross Perot , failed to win any electoral college votes , but took 19 per cent of the popular vote , the best showing by a third candidate in presidential elections since 1912 .
12 Unusually , however , one of these , Texan billionaire Ross Perot , polled 19 per cent of the total vote , the best showing by a third candidate since former President Theodore Roosevelt 's " Bull Moose " campaign of 1912 .
13 Gathering his forces , he attacked the Moorish state of Badajoz , evincing a still higher tribute than was already paid to the third brother Garcia .
14 Second stage recovery generally begins in the third year .
15 Low octane petrol is readily available almost everywhere , while paraffin is widely used in the third world .
16 It 's hardly ever reported in the Third World and er taking the facts that we 've just been talking about into account , it would be tempting to see anorexia as related to conflicts about the beginning of a young woman 's reproductive life because what normally happens is , and has certainly happened in the only case of this that occurred in my family , the young woman in question lost so much weight that she stopped cycling and in fact erm puberty changes went into reverse , she actually regressed , she started puberty and er she had this anorexia problem and she stopped cycling and , and all her body changes reversed , she went back to pre-puberty again erm because of oh no , oh no it did n't , she lost her body hair and stuff yeah , er her , her , her hormonal changes .
17 Two teenegers … one fifteen the other ninteen … are still helping police with their inquiries … they 're still hunting for a third man .
18 The audit is usually performed by a third party , primarily serving the interests of the party who delegated the responsibility .
19 More than 27,000 Geordies are expected to will them to victory and avoid a first ever drop into the third division .
20 Specialisation becomes more pronounced in the third year .
21 Andalucia was further affected by a third outbreak in two years of African equine fever at the end of July 1989 , which threatened the lives of large numbers of horses and raised doubts about equestrian events being held in Barcelona in the 1992 Olympics .
22 If this also causes aggravation , the remedy can be further diluted in a third cup , and so on .
23 But the wedding ring was not always worn on the third finger of the left hand .
24 Although he had already sent on Ian Wright for back injury victim Les Ferdinand , the rules of the competition still allowed for a third outfield substitution .
25 First of all , there was the problem that had been at the root of France 's defeat in 1940 — the decay of the republican state , which had been so powerfully symbolized by the Third Republic 's abdication to Pétain in July 1940 .
26 It also points to a third limitation within the sources ; that of genre .
27 Our expectation is that unemployment will continue to rise through 1993 , probably peaking in the third quarter .
28 Members of the scheme also benefit from a third party insurance , for a premium of £2 a year .
29 The house has two good sized reception rooms on the ground floor with a kitchen extension just behind the first floor we have the bathroom , the rear elevation and two bedrooms also access to the third bedroom which has been converted from the attic .
30 Because we have so many cameras I can have for the editing a great many possibilities ; and if we have filmed the music properly in the first place we can already have created some very important effects just with one shot — the violins may have the principal melody with an important counter-melody or harmonic detail in the violas , so we might shoot the passage in such a way that we have the violin bows in the foreground , the conductor , and the violas clearly focused as the third element in the shot .
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