Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [art] further [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The problem is to identify those cases that can most benefit from a further investigation .
2 Pope was given a leaving present of £25 , soon supplemented by a further £25 to his widow .
3 II , thus leading to a further reduction in total money wages being paid etc .
4 We understand that service cuts are planned within the next few months , which we fear will bring a decline in use of the Line , thus leading to a further rundown and closure .
5 As we have seen , in England this is very largely concentrated in the further education sector in the former colleges of education ( technical ) and in a number of polytechnics and other colleges .
6 This was soon followed by a further defeat for the conservative faction in the Theological Commission .
7 If I had used mail order for the larger items I could have easily shaved off a further 10% of these costs and come well within my allotted amount .
8 The President had also apparently abandoned his aim of holding the first round of legislative elections on Oct. 25 [ see p. 39086 ] , and agreed to reschedule them for late November ( with a number of opposition parties still calling for a further postponement ) .
9 The argument for neutrality still rests on the further assumption that it is in people 's highest interest to adopt principles fulfilling the social role of justice .
10 There was yet more to follow as a further instalment of the Rosenstein collection of memorabilia included a truly splendid photograph of an early assembly of aviation collectible ( C ) .
11 Automatic crystallisation is not a term of art but covers at least two situations which at first blush appear dissimilar ; one is where the charge is made to crystallise on the happening of an event provided for in the charge without there being any need for a further act by the chargee and the other is where the charge is made to crystallise on the serving of a notice of crystallisation on the company .
12 We have also agreed on a further £3.9 million worth of food aid to Zimbabwe , Zambia , Mozambique and Mozambiquan refugees in Malawi .
13 This brought him into conflict with a pagan critic , and the exchange of argument can be deduced from the defence ( Apologia ) for Christianity which Justin composed and which he later supplemented with a further appendix .
14 It has also co-operated with the further education sector in Northern Ireland to develop BTEC courses at National Diploma level , both as an expansion of existing provision and as an alternative to the Certificate in Foundation Studies offered by the University .
15 And they were also hit by a further £25,000 fine for an ‘ irregular payment ’ to a player .
16 The union also voted for a further strike ballot on the new contracts .
17 These fees are quite distinct from the money you will need for living , travelling , buying books , etc. , which will probably account for a further £3500 to £5000 ( these figures are based on 1989/90 standards ) .
18 HAVING considered the tort of nuisance , we now turn to a further tort which had its origins in nuisance but which has developed in such a way that it is now quite distinct from it .
19 Whereas the district in which we live is under an agreement between the three great companies — the Midland being one — that not one of them shall promote a railway in the district without the consent of all three companies ; the continuation of the Bishop 's Castle line is now saddled with the further condition that it shall not be made independently of the Corvedale line , whereas a proposal was made by one of the largest shareholders in the Cambrian to complete it independently of any other line .
20 Thousands of refugees in Afghanistan who 've fled conflict and civil war are now preparing for a further challenge … the bitter winter ahead .
21 This new thinking eventually resulted in a further book , Principles of Pragmatics , published in the Longman Linguistic Library in 1983 .
22 The sight of all which struck them with consternation or a kind of horror that they incontinently gave over search and with the utmost hurry and dread , throwing earth and turf to fill up the pit they made , they departed , having neither of them the courage to enter or even inspect into the further circumstances of the place ’ .
23 This may lead to the destruction of further historic pubs which are considered redundant ; conversely , this may well lead to the further restoration and conservation of the best historic sites .
24 Any attempt to evade it for the sake of the ‘ purity of the ‘ socialist ideal ’ ’ , 'he warned , would simply lead to a further expansion of the bureaucratic apparatus and to the dictatorship of the producer .
25 Here we seem to be implicitly relying on a further assumption , namely an assumption of topical coherence : if a second utterance can be interpreted as following on a first utterance , in the sense that they can be " heard " as being concerned with the same topic , then such an interpretation of the second utterance is warranted unless there are overt indications to the contrary ( again , see Chapters 3 and 6 ) .
26 If necessary use a metal bar to increase the leverage , then repeat for the further tap .
27 The result could surely be a damaging split between the different types of courses , with responsibility for the eligible areas potentially fragmented between the further education college , sixth form colleges and the remainder .
28 However , the State Conservation Office decided that retention of the historic straight alignment was advisable in many of Moabit 's streets , so that the intended chicanes were sometimes replaced by a further speed reduction measure .
29 Marriage has sometimes worked as a further route to mobility but the evidence for its significance is slim and inconclusive .
30 Higher prices from any of the above sources put upward pressure on pay ; higher pay deals then lead to a further round of prices rises and so it goes on .
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